Project Title This is a project for Computer Networks were we implemented a Chat Server, between a client and a server. This project was created on Mac OSX system.
Getting Started and Installing To start this project you need to have a program that can read the programming language C++ and a command line of some sort. You need to download the project into your local machine and open the project in command line. When you have done so you can enter: g++ client.cpp -o client into your command line to build the client. You need to do the same for the server in another command line window: g++ server.cpp -o server. You first need to run your server, and to do so you can enter ./server into your command line. When you have done so you can enter ./client to run the client, i.e. ./client 3000. When you have done this you should be able to chat with the server from the client.
Authors Authors for this project are Eva Sif Einarsdóttir and Ísabella Ýr Finnsdóttir. Project is hosted privately on GitHub for easier sharing in the project between the two.
Acknowledgements There were a few inspirations for this project particularly in creating a method for allowing multiple clients. These inspirations came from Gnu.org: http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Server-Example.html and BogoToBogo: https://www.bogotobogo.com/cplusplus/sockets_server_client.php.
4.1. Collaborators This assignment was worked on in close range with our peers, we shared ideas and thoughts on the project (but never code). Their names are Unnur Lára and Hreiðar Kristinn.