In order to increase my knowledge and acquire new knowledge, I built this app that consists of selling cinema tickets. I built a backend application, an api to authenticate the user and their purchased tickets. The app has many routes and a lot of communication between them, push notification with firebase, redux to manage component life...
I am very happy with the development of this app, the next step will be to learn how to launch an app in the store 🛍️.
The app was built with:
- Typescript
- React Native
- Expo CLI
- React Native Elements
- Styled-Components
- Redux
- Firebase
- Animated
1 - There's no payment system for the purchase of tickets, the buy button instantly buys the ticket.
2 - There's no way to choose the chair in the movie.
To run this project, you'll need to the server running locally on your machine. You can find the server and instructions here
- Installation:
$ git clone
$ cd cine-app
- In the project directory, you can run:
$ yarn
$ npm install
Motivate me to continue studying and coding the world