Common utilities for Unity.
- Unity 2019.4.31f1 or later
- TextMesh Pro 1.5.3
- Open Package Manager window.
- Click + button and select
Add package from git URL
- Enter
to use beta releases) and press Add button.
- PostProcessing 3.1.0
- VRCSDK3 Avatars
Update a text of the specified TextMesh Pro Component with licenses file found in the project. It's recommended that you set the tag to EditorOnly
The menu Assets/EsnyaTools
will be added.
Scriptable object that extracts necessary parts from the animation imported from FBX, etc., which is created by Assets/Create/EsnyaTools/FBXAnimationConverter.
Specify the name of ClipPath, the search pattern of ClipPath, and the search pattern of path and property names using regular expressions. In the path and property names, you can refer to the contents of the matched string or group in ClipPath as $&
and $1
When you click "Generate" button or the source is updated, an animation clip is generated.
The menu EsnyaTools
will be added. Some of the tools will also be added to the context menu of the relevant Components.
This tool replaces the same Animation or BlendTree in a given AnimatorController.
A tool to rename asset files by pattern in a directory.
This tool enables CrunchCompression for all Texture2D in a project. Note that it doesn't stop or return when pressed.
Create new asset of BlendTree.
A tool for numbering objects with the same name that have the same parent. VRCSDK has a similar function, but for when there are too many objects and they get stuck.
A tool to modify the VRCCam Prehab, which has poor parameters by default. It allows you to add a PostProcessingLayer, set Background Color, and use physical camera properties.
A tool to display Gizmo in order to adjust the ViewPosition to the correct position, and to adjust the animation while moving the Upright.
A gimmick generator that uses ExpressionsMenu to equip items, hold them in your hands and pin them to the world. Add the generated menu as a SubMenu and enjoy it now.
Gathers the SerializedProgramAsset of the selected UdonProgram in the Project window into one place.
Scene中のGameObject に Add Component
Project中のライセンスファイルを検索してTextMesh Proのテキストを更新するコンポーネント。Runtimeには不要なのでTagをEditarOnly
メニューかProjectウィンドウのコンテキストメニューに EsnyaTools
FBXなどからインポートされるアニメーションから必要な部分を取り出すScriptable Object。Assets/Create/EsnyaTools/FBXAnimationConverter
Generateボタンを押すか、インポート元が更新されるとAnimation Clipを生成する。
メニューに EsnyaTools
プロジェクト内の全てのTexture2DのCrunch Compressionを有効にするツール。途中で止められないし、戻す機能もないので注意。
デフォルトではなんとも言えないVRCCamのPrefabを変更するツール。 PostProcessingLayerを追加したり、Background Colorを設定したり、物理カメラパラメータ設定を使ったりできる。
ViewPosition を正しい位置に合わせるための Gizmo を表示するツール。Upright を動かしながらアニメーション調整するためのもの。