A Java command line utility that will query for job statuses on a Jenkins server, and then publish that information to a Particle Cloud subscription.
This project serves a very specific use case. That is, to query for the status of all jobs on a Jenkins server, and relay that information to the Particle Cloud API. It exists so that a Particle IoT device can receive such events through Particle's subscription service. Chances are, you have no need for such a specific project. If, by chance, you do... well... here you go!
There is a specific format for the data published to a subscription on the Particle Cloud. It is an intentionally small payload, and simply contains a zero padded, colon delimited set of counts for each possible build status.
The format of the data is simply: "%03d:%03d:%03d:%03d:%03d:%03d"
For example: 035:001:000:001:000:001
Breaking that formatted String down, it means:
- There are
jobs with their last job status being:SUCCESS
- There is
job with its last job status being:FAILURE
- There are
jobs with their last job status being:UNSTABLE
- There is
job with its last job status being:ABORTED
- There are
jobs with their last job status being:NOT_BUILT
- There is
job with its last job status being:UNKNOWN
(possibly never built, so there is no "last build")
From your terminal, navigate into the jacksonsync
directory. Then simply run ./gradlew clean build
From your terminal, navigate into the jacksonsync
directory. Then simply run ./gradlew run
. Note: There are required parameters that you will need to specify in order to actually get the program to run successfully. Running the previous command will tell you what the parameters are that need to be specified. They are also listed here:
-j (--jenkins) VAL : URL for Jenkins server. Example: http://myjenkins.com.
-l (--ttl) VAL : Particle event TTL for published events.
-n (--name) VAL : Particle topic name to publish events to.
-p (--password) VAL : Jenkins password, or API access token.
-t (--token) VAL : Particle API access token.
-u (--username) VAL : Jenkins username.
In order to pass the arguments into the app, you will need to use the following syntax (for example):
./gradlew run \
-PappArgs="['-j=http://your.jenkins.server.com:8080', \
'-u=yourJenkinsUsername', \
'-p=yourJenkinsPasswordOrToken', \
'-n=yourParticleSubscriptionName', \
'-l=60', \