Circular-Aware Coverage for Draft Genomes
CirculoCov is a Python tool designed for circular-aware coverage analysis of draft genomes. Alignment is difficult at the beginning and end of linear sequences, so coverage is lower at these positions than the true value. CirculoCov "pads" these sequences by adding the initial portions of the reference to the end.
Draft genomes are input as fasta files, which are not inherently circular. Instead, there must be a "Circular=True" or something similar in the header of the fasta file.
Strings that will indicate a sequence is circular (case insensitive):
- circular=true
- circ=true
- circular=t
- circ=t
- complete sequence
This tool is designed to
- take a draft genome and determine which sequences are circular
- map nanopore\ONT, Illumina, and/or Pacbio reads to the draft genome with minimap2
- get coverage information with pysam
- get depth information with pysam (optional: set with
) - extract fastq files for each contig (optional: set with
) - visualize depth for circular and linear sequences (optional: set with
) - create a tab-delimited summary
- Python 3.11+
- minimap2
- pysam
- biopython
- pyCirclize
# circulcov and its python dependencies can be installed via pip
pip install circulocov
# minimap2 is not installed via pip
curl -L${MINIMAP2_VER}/minimap2-${MINIMAP2_VER}_x64-linux.tar.bz2 | tar -jxvf -
NOTE: minimap2 must be in PATH
circulocov -g draft_genome.fasta -n nanopore.fastq.gz -i illumina1.fastq.gz illumina2.fastq.gz -o out
usage: circulocov [-h] [-s SAMPLE] -g GENOME [-i ILLUMINA [ILLUMINA ...]] [-n NANOPORE] [-p PACBIO] [-a | --all | --no-all] [-d PADDING] [-w WINDOW] [-o OUT] [-log LOGLEVEL] [-t THREADS] [-v]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE
Sample name
-g GENOME, --genome GENOME
Genome (draft or complete)
Input illumina fastq(s)
-n NANOPORE, --nanopore NANOPORE
Input nanopore fastq
-p PACBIO, --pacbio PACBIO
Input pacbio fastq
-a, --all, --no-all
-d PADDING, --padding PADDING
Amount of padding added to circular sequences
-w WINDOW, --window WINDOW
Number of windows for coverage
-o OUT, --out OUT Result directory
-log LOGLEVEL, --loglevel LOGLEVEL
Logging level
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use
-v, --version Print version and exit
The output is
- A csv file with each contig broken into windows with their corresponding depths for Illumina and nanopore files
- png files showing depth
Final directory tree:
├── circulocov_contig.png
├── cov.txt
├── depth.txt
├── fastq
│ ├── circulocov_contig_illumina_R1.fastq.gz
│ ├── circulocov_contig_illumina_R2.fastq.gz
│ ├── circulocov_contig_illumina_singletons.fastq.gz
│ ├── circulocov_contig_nanopore.fastq.gz
│ ├── circulocov_unmapped_illumina_R1.fastq.gz
│ ├── circulocov_unmapped_illumina_R2.fastq.gz
│ ├── circulocov_unmapped_illumina_singletons.fastq.gz
│ └── circulocov_unmapped_nanopore.fastq.gz
├── illumina_cov.txt
├── illumina_full_depth.txt
├── illumina_window_depth.txt
├── nanopore_cov.txt
├── nanopore_full_depth.txt
├── nanopore_window_depth.txt
└── overall_summary.txt
sample circ contigs length nanopore_numreads nanopore_covbases nanopore_coverage nanopore_meandepth illumina_numreads illumina_covbases illumina_coverage illumina_meandepth
circulocov X all 4848601 76429 4871275 100.0 108.89 1357369 4871172 100.0 65.4
circulocov True 1 4760004 73319 4770005 100.0 109.19 1322860 4769959 100.0 65.75
circulocov True 2 85925 1593 95926 100.0 73.32 14025 95873 99.94 34.92
circulocov True 3 2672 1397 5344 100.0 479.55 6624 5340 99.93 301.94
circulocov X missing 1 60 0 0.0 0.0 6930 0 0.0 0.0
This overall summary is to provide context to how well the assembled genome is supported by the reads. Contigs with few reads are not-as-likely to be real. Assemblies with large numbers of unmapped reads may have contamination or other issues that need to be addressed.
Note: "few" and "large numbers" are not defined in this and are intentionally left to interpretation.
Although the examples have both Nanopore/ONT and Illumina reads, only one type of read is required.
There are not currently ways to adjust the image generated. Instead, the depth and coverage files are available as input for other tools and scripts for visualization.
The term 'windows' may be a misleading in the case of CirculoCov. In CirculoCov, 'windows' are more like snapshots accross the genome at specific positions where the number of positions is equal to 'windows'. These snapshots, however, are very similar to a sliding window, but take less computation.
The 'coverage' values are determined on padded lengths. The default padding length is 10,000 and should have minimal impact on the overall coverage of a large sequence, such as that of a chromosome of a bacterial isolate.
The overall coverage value is the weighted average (weighted by sequence length) of the coverage values of each contig and is not a "true" mean depth value. It's pretty close, though, and for most intents and purposes fulfills depth determination goals.
Although the intention was for circular draft genomes that were generated from long-read sequencing, Circulocov can also be run on short-read draft genomes. I can't stop you.
The overall_summary.txt looks like the following for some Illumina reads and a draft genome generated via SPADES
sample circ contigs length illumina_numreads illumina_covbases illumina_coverage illumina_meandepth
circulocov X all 1896302 667346 1896302 100.0 58.08
circulocov False NODE_1_length_301278_cov_13.884221 301278 102826 301278 100.0 57.4
circulocov False NODE_2_length_260824_cov_14.255592 260824 91352 260824 100.0 58.89
circulocov False NODE_3_length_246348_cov_13.065149 246348 77949 246348 100.0 53.34
circulocov False NODE_4_length_162631_cov_14.077740 162631 56509 162631 100.0 58.38
circulocov False NODE_5_length_104704_cov_13.520325 104704 35033 104704 100.0 56.06
circulocov False NODE_6_length_103452_cov_13.112896 103452 32850 103452 100.0 53.65
circulocov False NODE_7_length_102202_cov_13.434240 102202 33342 102202 100.0 55.05
circulocov False NODE_8_length_98819_cov_14.561201 98819 35921 98819 100.0 60.96
circulocov False NODE_9_length_80890_cov_13.799413 80890 27469 80890 100.0 57.01
circulocov False NODE_10_length_79994_cov_14.554259 79994 28576 79994 100.0 60.19
circulocov False NODE_11_length_69572_cov_13.453251 69572 22580 69572 100.0 54.84
circulocov False NODE_12_length_63941_cov_13.388097 63941 20889 63941 100.0 54.81
circulocov False NODE_13_length_56590_cov_14.060730 56590 19114 56590 100.0 56.79
circulocov False NODE_14_length_50417_cov_14.307357 50417 17643 50417 100.0 58.8
circulocov False NODE_15_length_35637_cov_14.605435 35637 12615 35637 100.0 59.8
circulocov False NODE_16_length_20076_cov_14.072986 20076 6802 20076 100.0 57.25
circulocov False NODE_17_length_16587_cov_14.497752 16587 5902 16587 100.0 59.84
circulocov False NODE_18_length_6839_cov_29.648987 6839 4802 6839 100.0 118.0
circulocov False NODE_19_length_6131_cov_13.328115 6131 2054 6131 100.0 55.35
circulocov False NODE_20_length_4963_cov_12.199338 4963 1453 4963 100.0 49.51
circulocov False NODE_21_length_4942_cov_96.471859 4942 11643 4942 100.0 401.67
circulocov False NODE_22_length_3986_cov_13.249806 3986 1314 3986 100.0 55.55
circulocov False NODE_23_length_2041_cov_24.901776 2041 1158 2041 100.0 95.38
circulocov False NODE_24_length_1247_cov_29.244643 1247 948 1247 100.0 125.44
circulocov False NODE_25_length_965_cov_16.443914 965 305 965 100.0 54.15
circulocov False NODE_26_length_962_cov_15.434731 962 329 962 100.0 56.27
circulocov False NODE_27_length_732_cov_31.732231 732 434 732 100.0 100.47
circulocov False NODE_28_length_501_cov_16.959893 501 187 501 100.0 63.03
circulocov False NODE_29_length_443_cov_13.629747 443 114 443 100.0 42.23
circulocov False NODE_30_length_403_cov_15.452899 403 103 403 100.0 41.09
circulocov False NODE_31_length_383_cov_11.621094 383 62 383 100.0 27.0
circulocov False NODE_32_length_375_cov_13.310484 375 67 375 100.0 30.36
circulocov False NODE_33_length_363_cov_0.563559 363 402 363 100.0 170.91
circulocov False NODE_34_length_340_cov_15.399061 340 78 340 100.0 36.89
circulocov False NODE_35_length_340_cov_10.126761 340 60 340 100.0 26.72
circulocov False NODE_36_length_331_cov_14.504902 331 108 331 100.0 49.04
circulocov False NODE_37_length_316_cov_31.185185 316 121 316 100.0 65.71
circulocov False NODE_38_length_295_cov_20.023810 295 68 295 100.0 39.09
circulocov False NODE_39_length_295_cov_12.702381 295 51 295 100.0 27.64
circulocov False NODE_40_length_288_cov_13.559006 288 54 288 100.0 28.49
circulocov False NODE_41_length_282_cov_11.703226 282 58 282 100.0 29.43
circulocov False NODE_42_length_281_cov_20.909091 281 112 281 100.0 64.77
circulocov False NODE_43_length_270_cov_24.825175 270 108 270 100.0 64.33
circulocov False NODE_44_length_268_cov_16.836879 268 39 268 100.0 26.41
circulocov False NODE_45_length_265_cov_10.971014 265 67 265 100.0 38.41
circulocov False NODE_46_length_260_cov_64.278195 260 218 260 100.0 132.45
circulocov False NODE_47_length_259_cov_8.166667 259 61 259 100.0 37.09
circulocov False NODE_48_length_258_cov_19.068702 258 63 258 100.0 38.5
circulocov False NODE_49_length_255_cov_47.062500 255 130 255 100.0 68.07
circulocov False NODE_50_length_255_cov_21.648438 255 56 255 100.0 36.76
circulocov False NODE_51_length_255_cov_18.570312 255 58 255 100.0 36.95
circulocov False NODE_52_length_255_cov_17.562500 255 52 255 100.0 33.66
circulocov False NODE_53_length_255_cov_16.445312 255 46 255 100.0 31.01
circulocov False NODE_54_length_255_cov_15.085938 255 50 255 100.0 32.72
circulocov False NODE_55_length_255_cov_13.078125 255 18 255 100.0 11.14
circulocov False NODE_56_length_246_cov_38.378151 246 101 246 100.0 68.65
circulocov False NODE_57_length_203_cov_25.157895 203 55 203 100.0 42.99
circulocov False NODE_58_length_180_cov_32.867925 180 39 180 100.0 31.25
circulocov False NODE_59_length_174_cov_24.829787 174 40 174 100.0 34.55
circulocov False NODE_60_length_128_cov_4.000000 128 8 128 100.0 6.08
circulocov X missing 1 6340 0 0.0 0.0