Aegir-up deploys a local instance of the Aegir Hosting System ( atop Vagrant ( and Virtualbox (
N.B. aegir-up is NOT intended for production hosting.
First, ensure that you're running a relatively recent (>= 4.1.0) version of Virtualbox, as this is required by Vagrant. You can check the version you currently have installed by running:
virtualbox --help
Alternatively, in the graphical front-end, you can click on the 'help' menu, and then on "About Virtualbox..."
If these show an older version, or that Virtualbox isn't yet installed, check the packages available for your OS (e.g., Debian backports), or download the latest version directly from Virtualbox:
Next, make sure Vagrant is properly installed on your system. This involves installing Ruby and RubyGems, which can be a bit tricky (especially on Windows). Be persistent, and follow the instructions linked to from the Vagrant site:
Then get a local copy of the project by cloning the git repo:
git clone
Enter the directory just created and launch the Vagrant box
cd aegir-up
vagrant up
Once the Aegir-Up virtual machine is running, you can connet to it via SSH:
vagrant ssh
Also, the Hostmaster front-end should be accessible via a web browser, though
you'll probably have to help it resolve to the local VM. The easiest way to do
this is to add the following to your hosts
files (e.g., /etc/hosts on Linux
machines): aegir.local
- Enable several Aegir modules:
- Clone
- Migrate
- Install several aegir contrib modules:
- Hosting Queue Runner
- Hosting Backup Queue
- Backup Queue Garbage Collection
- Symlink /backups and /makefiles into /vagrant so they persist after 'vagrant destroy's.
- Optionally install Aegir from git repos
- Automatically create one or more platforms
- Figure out an easy way to push/pull sites to/from remote Aegir servers