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Lint Bug with KTS Build Gradle Script

While migrating to Kotlin based build.gradle scripts I stumbled upon an issues regarding running lint with my builds. For some reason the following code in my scripts will work fine when trying to run ./gradlew assemble but fail when I run ./gradlew lint:

applicationVariants.all(object : Action<ApplicationVariant> {
        override fun execute(variant: ApplicationVariant) {

I am not 100% sure yet as to why this is failing but I will be opening a Google Issue and will update this repo and the StackOverflow post I created.

For the time being please remove these lines if you would like your lint task to run properly.

Reproduction Steps

  • Download this repo
  • Run ./gradlew lint from command line

Expected: Lint shouldn't fail Actual: Lint fails to run with the following response:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:lint'.
> Lint found errors in the project; aborting build.

 Fix the issues identified by lint, or add the following to your build script to proceed with errors:
 android {
     lintOptions {
         abortOnError false

 Errors found:

 convert-groovy-to-kotlin-gradle/app: Error: Unexpected failure during lint analysis (this is a bug in lint or one of the libraries it depends on)

 Message: Couldn't get delegate for class
 Stack: KotlinExceptionWithAttachments:LightClassDataHolderKt.findDelegate(LightClassDataHolder.kt:100)←LightClassDataHolder$ForClass$findDataForClassOrObject$1.invoke(LightClassDataHolder.kt:40)←LightClassDataHolder$ForClass$findDataForClassOrObject$1.invoke(LightClassDataHolder.kt:34)←LightClassDataHolderImpl.findData(LightClassDataHolder.kt:83)ghtClassDataHolderImpl.findData(LightClassDataHolder.kt:79)←LightClassDataHolder$ForClass$DefaultImpls.findDataForClassOrObject(LightClassDataHolder.kt:40)←LightClassDataHolderImpl.findDataForClassOrObject(LightClassDataHolder.kt:79)←KtLightClassForSourceDeclaration.findLightClassData(KtLightClassForSourceDeclaration.kt:95)

 You can set environment variable LINT_PRINT_STACKTRACE=true to dump a full stacktrace to stdout. [LintError]


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