Lagerta is an open source transactional data transport. It supports light snapshots creation and management for in-memory data grids and fabrics.
We are always open to people who want to use the system or contribute to it. People with different expertise can help with various subprojects:
core : Core functionality of the replicator, where most of the value of the project sits
cassandra : Reference implementation of the long-term storage layer
doc : We are always in need of a better documentation!
lagerta-core : core module
lagerta-test : environments and resources to test your project integrated with Lagerta
lagerta-jepsen : tests HA and DR
lagerta-jmh : tests performance
giving feedback : Tell us how you use Lagerta, what was great and what was not so great. Also, what are you expecting from it and what would you like to see in the future?
Also, reporting new issues and getting started by posting on the mailing list is helpful.
Lagerta is developed under Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model. The following rules will be used for the RTC process:
- a committer or a contributor should proactively seek a code review and feedback from other contributors. To speed up the review process the common sense quality criteria are expected to be met (e.g. reasonable testing has been done locally; all compilations pass; RAT check is passed; the patch follows coding guidelines)
- a committer should keep an eye on the official CI builds at Travis CI to make sure that committed changes haven't break anything. In which case the committer should take a timely effort to resolve the issues and unblock the others in the community
- any non-document patch needs to address all the comment and reach consensus before it gets committed without a +1 from other committers
If you want add Lagerta as a dependency to you project use jitpack
Use maven for testing
mvn -pl '!core,!cassandra' clean verify
Use maven for build the project.
mvn -pl '!core,!cassandra' clean install -DskipTests
git clone
cd ./Lagerta
mvn -pl '!core,!cassandra' install
You can get in touch with us on gitter
The documentation of Lagerta is located on the github wiki
and in the doc/
directory of the source code.
Lagerta is an open source project under The Apache License 2.0