This module is a basic implementation of complex numbers in Python. The goal is to demonstrate basic know-how in Python packaging, project managment, documentation and testing.
This package is not in any way, shape or form suitable for production!
$ pip install elkomplex
$ git clone
$ cd elkomplex
$ python -m venv .pyenv
$ . .pyenv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .[dev,test]
$ pytest
>>> from elkomplex import i
>>> from math import e, pi
>>> str(e**(i*pi))
'-1.00 + 0.00 i'
>>> from elkomplex import i
>>> f"{i}"
'0 + 1 i'
>>> f"{i * i:0.2f}"
'-1.00 + 0.00 i'
>>> f"{2 + 3 * i}"
'2.0 + 3.0 i'
>>> f"{(2 + 3 * i) * (4 + 5 * i):0.2f}"
'-7.00 + 22.00 i'
>>> from elkomplex import Komplex
>>> Komplex.from_cartesian(2, 3)
Komplex(re=2.00, im=3.00, r=3.61, th=0.98)
>>> from math import pi
>>> Komplex.from_polar(1, pi / 4)
Komplex(re=0.71, im=0.71, r=1.00, th=0.79)
- ✅ Package squeleton
- ✅ Base complex class
- ✅ Basic constructors
- ✅ Formatting and printing
- ✅ Pytest framework
- 🚧 Basic Arithmetic methods
- ✅ Addition
- ✅ Substraction
- ✅ Multiplication
- ✅ Division
- ✅ Comparison
- ✅ Negation
- ✅ Module
- ✅ Inversion
- ✅ Conjugate
- 🚧 Power
- ⬜ Advanced Math functions
- ⬜ Exponent
- ⬜ Sqrt
- ⬜ Logarithm