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Munchkin Card Game Simulation

This is a small simulation of the card game Munchkin. In this project, I applied object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts such as polymorphism, design patterns, and inheritance. Specifically, I used the factory design pattern and the composite design pattern.


The goal of the game is to win battles and reach level 10. The game is designed for 2-6 players.


  1. Choose the number of players in the game.
  2. Each player selects their name and character.


  • During a player's turn, they choose the top card of the deck and play it.
  • If a player reaches level 10, they win. If a player's health points reach zero, they lose.
  • The game ends when all players reach zero health points or level 10.

Player Characteristics

Each player has the following characteristics:

  • Name
  • Level (1-10)
  • Force
  • Health points
  • Coins

Every player starts with level 1, 10 coins, maximum health points (100), and force amount of 5.


  1. Rogue:

    • Receives twice the number of coins from a card.
  2. Wizard:

    • Receives twice the amount of health points when healed from a card.
  3. Fighter:

    • Attack strength is calculated as twice the player's force plus level.


There are at least five types of cards in the game. Each played card is returned to the deck.

Type of Cards:

  1. Battle Cards:
    • These cards can lead to a win or loss.
    • Win: If the player's attack strength (force + level) exceeds the force of the card, the player wins and gains the loot described on the card, upgrading by one level.
    • Loss: If the player's attack strength is insufficient, they lose and take damage as described on the card (minimum health points is zero).
Type of Battle Cards:
  • Goblin: force 6, loot 2, damage 10.

  • Vampire: force 10, loot 2, damage 10. If a player loses to a vampire, their force downgrades by 1.

  • Dragon: force 25, loot 1000, damage – all of the health points of the player fighting the dragon.

  • The Gang card: This card groups up to 3 battle cards. When a player encounters this card, they battle against all the battle cards in the gang.

  1. Other Cards:
    • Merchant: Allows a player to buy a force potion or health potion if they have enough coins, or do nothing.
    • Treasure: Contains 10 coins which the player receives.
    • Pitfall: Decreases the health points of a player by 10, unless the player is a rogue.
    • Barfight: Decreases the health points of a player by 10, unless the player is a fighter.
    • Fairy: Raises the health points of a wizard by 10. Since a wizard receives double healing, they gain 20 health points. For other characters, this card has no effect.


At the end of the game, the leaderboard is printed:

  • The player who reached level 10 first is listed first.
  • The player who lost all their health points first is listed last.


Small Card Game Simulation






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