This is 2U's version of devstack used for developing using the Open edX platform.
The Open edX version of devstack was deprecated and archived. Be careful to avoid any outdated documentation from the Open edX Read the Docs or the openedx-unsupported GitHub org. For more information on the Open edX deprecation, please visit the associated deprecation ticket.
The Getting Started guide lives with the rest of the documentation.
Start by going through the documentation on GitHub. Our documentation is not yet published to Read the Docs, so you should avoid the outdated Open edX docs on Read the Docs. If you need more help see below.
If you're having trouble, you can discuss in 2U's #tech-devstack-questions Slack channel.
For anything non-trivial, the best path is to open an issue in this repository with as many details about the issue you are facing as you can provide.
The code in this repository is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Please see LICENSE for details.
This repository is not open for contributions from outside of 2U.
Please do not report security issues in public. Please email [email protected].