Get your Fitbit data into Splunk.
Will gather data from your Fitbit account and log it as such:
2013-08-19T23:59:59.999999, encodedId=2223TS, calories=1959, steps=3579, distance=2.73646, minutesSedentary=1331, minutesLightlyActive=49, minutesFairlyActive=57, minutesVeryActive=3, activityCalories=424
This is still very much a work in progress. Pardon the cruft. The "intraday" branch is attempts at doing minute resolution but requires access to the Fitbit Partner API, which is available upon request.
If this is your first time using it:
Register an app at
Retrieve the consumer key and the consumer secret
Run the following to authorize your account:
python --get_user_keys --consumer_key YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY --consumer_secret YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET
Follow the instructions
Save your user_key and user_secret
Run the following to fetch all data:
python --consumer_key YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY --consumer_secret YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET --user_key YOUR_USER_KEY --user_secret YOUR_USER_SECRET --output PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FILE
Uses python-fitbit library
pip install fitbit
pip install python-dateutil
pip install pytz
pip install tailer