This repository contains page templates used in EDMC projects.
For details, go to the appropriate folder and read the README file contained therein:
- /general - includes nuxt-based page templates, uses strapi as content management system
- /home - contains the home page, written using vue, without the involvement of strapi
To run individual pages from the command line, look at the README files given above.
- git (install)
- docker - install:
- Docker Desktop or ...
- Docker Engine with Docker Compose plugin
- free port 8080/tcp
Clone the edmcouncil/html-pages repository to the html-pages directory, go to the html-pages directory (run all subsequent commands inside this directory), then build the images (or pull from the registry if available) and run the containers:
git clone html-pages
cd html-pages
docker compose build
# alternatively pull images from registry if available
#docker compose pull --ignore-pull-failures
docker compose up -d
After some time, check the status of running containers:
docker compose ps
if they work correctly, the following message will appear:
html-pages-fibo-pages-1 edmcouncil/fibo-pages "docker-entrypoint.s…" fibo-pages About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy)
html-pages-fibo-strapi-1 edmcouncil/fibo-strapi "docker-entrypoint.s…" fibo-strapi About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy)
html-pages-spec-1 edmcouncil/spec "/docker-entrypoint.…" spec About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy)>80/tcp, :::8080->80/tcp
The STRAPI instance database is inside the fibo-strapi
container image, so any changes will be lost when stopped.
If you want a "permanent" database, see comment in the docker-compose.yaml
and uncomment the following line in the .services.fibo-strapi.volumes
- ./general/strapi/db:/strapi
The services provide endpoints at the following URLs:
- http://localhost:8080 :- html-pages home page
- http://localhost:8080/fibo :- html-pages general template for FIBO ontology
- http://localhost:8080/fibo/strapi/admin :- Strapi admin panel for for FIBO ontology (Email: [email protected], Password: devDBonly1)
If you want to see logs from one (fibo-pages
, fibo-strapi
or spec
), use:
# to view continuous log output for <SERVICE>=fibo-pages
docker compose logs --follow fibo-pages
# to view *100* latest log lines for <SERVICE>=fibo-strapi
docker compose logs --tail 100 fibo-strapi
Stop the services with the command:
docker compose down
Remove all images and volumes with the command:
docker compose down --rmi all -v