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Originally based on the work originally done by Full credit goes to him, though I ended up rewriting a bunch of it.

Heroicons for Rails

Use icons from in your Rails applications.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "heroic_icons", git: ""

Pick a ref, tag or branch as needed.

And then execute:

$ bundle


To use the icon method, you need to specify the icon name and optionally pass additional attributes to add to the SVG.

heroic_icon(name, **options)
  • name: The name of the icon you want to use. e.g. "plus", "trash", etc. Refer to the heroicons website.
  • **options: A hash of options to customize the SVG. This is optional and can include several attributes described below.

The following options can be passed to customize the SVG icon:

  • hi_style: Specifies the style of the icon for regular sizes. It can be either outline or solid. solid the default. Solid is the only choice for mini and micro.
  • style: This does not specify the heroicon style, but instead, the value of the style attribute of the svg element.
  • size: There are 3 sizes. micro, mini, and regular (default).
  • class: Sets the CSS attr of the SVG element. If using default classes (see below) this is added to the default classes.
  • override_class: Sets the CSS attr of the SVG element, and does NOT use the default classes.
  • Any other HTML attributes: You can include attributes such as aria-label, role, etc.

default class initialization

Create an initializer:

# config/initializers/heroic_icons.rb

HeroicIcons.configure do |config|
  config.default_classes = "h-6 w-6"

Icon Usage Examples

<%= icon('camera', hi_style: 'outline') %>

To include a outline icon of mini size:

<%= icon('user', size: 'mini') %>
<%= icon('bell', class: 'alert-icon', 'aria-label': 'Notification') %>

BREAKING CHANGE: Sorry, I decided to make a breaking change (it's a different gem after all) to allow heroicon styles (outline, solid, etc) to be passed via :hi_styles option. This was previously passed via the :styles option. This is to allow for passing in actual styles to the the svg element.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Render heroicons inline







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