To contribute make use of Ecotone-Dev repository.
The roots of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) were mainly about communication using Messages and logic encapsulation.
aims to return to the origins of OOP, by providing tools which allows us to fully move the focus from Objects to Flows, from Data storage to Application Design, from Technicalities to Business logic.
Ecotone does that by making Messages first class-citizen in our Applications.
Thanks to being Message-Driven at the foundation level, Ecotone provides architecture which is resilient and scalable by default, making it possible for Developers to focus on business problems instead of technical concerns.
Together with declarative configuration and higher level building blocks, it makes the system design explicit, easy to follow and change no matter of Developers experience.
Visit main page to learn more.
Ecotone can be used with Symfony and Laravel frameworks, or any other framework using Ecotone Lite.
The quickstart page of the
reference guide provides a starting point for using Ecotone.
Read more on the Ecotone's Blog.
Use issue tracking system for new feature request and bugs. Please verify that it's not already reported by someone else.
If you want to talk or ask question about Ecotone
If you want to help building and improving Ecotone consider becoming a sponsor:
PHP, DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Symfony, Laravel, Service Bus, Event Driven Architecture, SOA, Events, Commands