Birdseye is a frontend to the API exposed by services implementing Barry O'Donovan's birds-eye API design to the BIRD routing daemon:
- INEX Birdseye API (
- Birdwatcher (
The project was started at the RIPE IXP Tools Hackathon just prior to RIPE73 in Madrid, Spain.
Clone the repository and initialize the virtualenv:
git clone
cd birdseye/
Make sure you run the program in a place to which user nobody has at least read only access.
The user and group can be configured in the [server] section of your config file.
A startup script for upstart
is available
under etc/init/birdseye.conf
For systemwide deployment it is advised to add the contents
of the local etc/
to your system's /etc
You need to have python
, python-dev
and gcc
installed for uwsgi to compile.
An example configuration can be found under etc/birdseye/birdseye.example.conf.
You can copy it to any of the following locations:
etc/birdseye/birdseye.conf # local
etc/birdseye/birdseye.local.conf # local as well
/etc/birdseye/birdseye.conf # global
You will have to at least edit it to add bird API servers:
name = (IPv4)
api =
name = (IPv6)
api =
You can edit uWSGI server settings and any other section in the same file.
Launch the server by running
This will automatically download the React based UI build, so you don't have to install all dependencies for building the UI yourself.
We added a Makefile
for packaging Birdseye as an RPM using fpm.
If you have all tools available locally, you can just type:
make rpm
If you want to build the package on a remote machine, just use
make remote_rpm
which will copy the dist to the remote server and executes fpm via ssh.
If you installed birdseye by cloning the repository, the server will fetch on startup a prebuilt version of the client UI.
To upgrade to the latest version just do a
git pull
and restart birdseye.
You may have to clear the cache in the browser afterwards.
The client is a Single Page React Application.
All sources are available in client/
Install build tools as needed:
npm install -g gulp-cli
Create a fresh UI build with
cd client/
make client
This will install all dependencies and run gulp
While working on the UI you might want to use make watch
which will keep the gulp watch
task up and running.