Unfortunately I wasn't able to give buster-coverage the love it deserves if you're interested to take this project over please get in contact with me.
An extension for buster.js to generage lcov files for everything listed in your source
files. You will need lcov or something similar to generate meaningful reports.
It will output a coverage.lcov
that combines all browser into a single file and a separated file for each client that was connected during the testrun.
Not yet released on npm, so go to your node_modules
directory and clone it:
git clone git://github.com/ebi/buster-coverage.git
Then link it:
cd buster-coverage
npm link
Then add it to your buster.js
config file:
config["My tests"] = {
extensions: [ require("buster-coverage") ]
By default it will write everything into the coverage
config["My tests"] = {
extensions: [ require("buster-coverage") ],
"buster-coverage": {
outputDirectory: "coverage_reports", //Write to this directory instead of coverage
format: "cobertura", //At the moment cobertura and lcov are the only ones available
combinedResultsOnly: true, //Write one combined file instead of one for each browser
coverageExclusions: ["resources"] //Exclude everything with resources in it's path
To generate a basic report you can just run:
genhtml coverage/coverage.lcov -o report
Copyright 2012, Tobias Ebnöther.
Released under the BSD license.