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European Union European Regional Development Fund

TARA/GovSSO Example Client

Example client application that integrates with TARA service using the protocol specified at and with GovSSO service using the protocol specified at Demonstrates authentication, session update, RP-initiated logout and back-channel logout flows (when applicable).

Example client contains support for both TARA and GovSSO in the code base, but can run in a single mode at a time (mode must be set with a Spring profile). When developing your client application, implement only TARA or GovSSO support depending on the service you are integrating with. OpenID Connect support for TARA and GovSSO integrations in example client is based on the Spring Security framework's OAuth 2.0 module. NB! Example client source code is provided for study purposes and it cannot be used out of the box in production.

For TARA demonstration and testing purposes, there are two publicly accessible deployments of example clients integrated with

Example client in TARA mode can also be used with TARA mock. Visit for more information.

For GovSSO demonstration and testing purposes, there are two publicly accessible deployments of example clients integrated with

Example client in GovSSO mode can also be used with GovSSO mock. Visit for more information.


  • Docker Engine
  • Docker Compose (for running example client together with GovSSO-Mock)
  • Java 17 JDK (for building locally)

Running pre-built public image in Docker Compose

  1. Clone repository
  2. Follow GovSSO-Mock/ "Quick start" instructions

Running custom build in Docker Compose

  1. Build
    • Either build in Docker
      docker run --pull always --rm \
                 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
                 -v "$HOME/.m2:/root/.m2" \
                 -v "$PWD:/usr/src/project" \
                 -w /usr/src/project \
                 maven:3.9-eclipse-temurin-17 \
                 mvn spring-boot:build-image -DskipTests
      Git Bash users on Windows should add MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 in front of the command
    • Or build locally
      ./mvnw spring-boot:build-image -DskipTests
  2. Clone repository
  3. Open GovSSO-Mock/docker-compose.yml and replace reference of pre-built public image image: with locally built image image: tara-govsso-exampleclient:latest
  4. Follow GovSSO-Mock/ "Quick start" instructions


Security operations

Logout token

Security operations to verify the logout token are implemented as follows:

  • Verifying the signature: handled by in ee.ria.govsso.client.filter.OidcBackchannelLogoutFilter
  • The trust of the public signature key endpoint: SSL configuration is handled by ee.ria.govsso.client.configuration.SSLConfig
  • Verifying the issuer of tokens: handled by ee.ria.govsso.client.oauth2.OidcLogoutTokenValidator
  • Verifying the addressee of the tokens: handled by ee.ria.govsso.client.oauth2.OidcLogoutTokenValidator
  • Verifying the validity of the tokens: handled by ee.ria.govsso.client.oauth2.OidcLogoutTokenValidator