OLTP-Bench Website is an intermediate between the client's database and OtterTune (DBMS Auto-tuning system).
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev python-mysqldb rabbitmq-server
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone https://github.com/oltpbenchmark/website.git
Navigate to the settings directory:
cd website/settings
Copy the credentials template:
cp credentials_TEMPLATE.py credentials.py
Edit credentials.py
and update the secret key and database information.
mysqladmin create -u <username> -p ottertune
python manage.py makemigrations website
python manage.py migrate website
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py loaddata ./script/preload/*
sudo rabbitmq-server -detached
python manage.py celery worker --loglevel=info
python manage.py runserver