This repository is deprecated by Duo Security. The repository will remain public and visible, and integrations built using this repository’s code will continue to work. You can also continue to fork, clone, or pull from this repository.
However, Duo will not provide any further releases or enhancements.
Duo recommends migrating your application to the Duo Universal Prompt. Refer to our documentation for more information on how to update.
For frequently asked questions about the impact of this deprecation, please see the Repository Deprecation FAQ
duo_php - Duo two-factor authentication for PHP web applications:
This package allows a web developer to quickly add Duo's interactive, self-service, two-factor authentication to any web login form - without setting up secondary user accounts, directory synchronization, servers, or hardware.
Files located in the js
directory should be hosted by your webserver for inclusion in web pages.
$ git clone
$ cd duo_php
$ composer install
$ composer global require duosecurity/duo_php:dev-master
Or add the following to your project:
"require": {
"duosecurity/duo_php": "dev-master"
$ php -a -d auto_prepend_file=vendor/autoload.php
Interactive mode enabled
php > var_dump(Duo\Web::signRequest($ikey, $skey, $akey, $username));
string(202) "TX|...TX_SIGNATURE...==|...TX_HASH...:APP|...APP_SIGNATURE...==|...APP_HASH..."
First add an IKEY, SKEY, and HOST to demos/simple/index.php
, then run the following:
$ php -S localhost:8080 -t demos/simple/
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml
PHPUnit 5.3.2 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
............. 13 / 13 (100%)
Time: 62 ms, Memory: 6.00Mb
OK (13 tests, 13 assertions)
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 -n src/* tests/*
Report any bugs, feature requests, etc. to us directly: [email protected]