Use secondary SPI interface as video shift register:
Arduino, Python, and Processing library source code for tethering the Esplora to a PC running Python/Processing.
Download the Esplora package for Processing
- Open in Safari.
- Click on 'Download ZIP' on right side of screen
- Drag the Downloads/Arduino-master folder to the Documents/Processing folder.
Start a new sketch, add the serial port library, import the Esplora module and see how easy it is to use. From the Processing menu, click through "Sketch/Add File..." and add the "Arduino-master/Processing/Esplora/" file.
from Esplora_Processing import Esplora
def setup():
def draw():
background(map(Esplora.readSlider(), 1023, 0, 0, 255))
If your Esplora needs to be programmed with the serial protocol firmware for use with Python, open the SerEsplora project in the Arduino IDE and update the Esplora. Open Esplora connection for use
return: None
Esplora.close(): Close Esplora connection
return: None
Esplora.writeLED(red, green, blue): Write RGB (or brightness) to LED
return: None
Esplora.writeBuzzer(hertz, duration): Write buzzer tone
return: None
Esplora.readJoystick(): Read joystick position
return: [-512..511, -512..511]
Esplora.readAccelerometer(): Read accelerometer values
return: [-512..511, -512..511, -512..511]
Esplora.readButtons(): Read 4 diamond pad buttons and joystick button
return: [0..1, 0..1, 0..1, 0..1, 0..1]
Esplora.readSlider(): Read slider value
return: 0..1023
Esplora.readLightSensor(): Read light level
return: 0..1023
Esplora.readMicrophone(): Read sound level
return: 0..1023
Esplora.readTempC(): Read temperature in Celsius
return: -100..200
Esplora.readTempF(): Read temperature in Fahrenheit
return: -100..200
Esplora.readDigital(pin): Read the value on a digital pin
return: 0..1
Esplora.readAnalog(pin): Read the value on an analog pin
return: 0..255
Esplora.writeDigital(pin, value): Write a value to a digital pin
return: None
Esplora.writePwm(pin, value): Write a value to an analog (PWM) pin
return: None
Esplora.tftSize(): Read the size of the TFT display
return: [tftWidth, tftHeight]
Esplora.tftBackground(red, green, blue): Fill TFT background with color
return: None
Esplora.tftFill(red, green, blue): Set fill color for 2D primitives
return: None
Esplora.tftStroke(red, green, blue): Set stroke color for 2D primitives
return: None
Esplora.tftNoFill(): Don't fill 2D primitives
return: None
Esplora.tftNoStroke(): Don't outline 2D primitives
return: None
Esplora.tftRect(xpos, ypos, width, height): Draw a rectangle
return: None
Esplora.tftLine(x1, y1, x2, y2): Draw a line
return: None
Esplora.tftCircle(xpos, ypos, radius): Draw a circle
return: None
Esplora.tftText(string, xpos, ypos): Draw a text string
return: None
Esplora.tftTextSize(size): Set the text size
return: None