An implementation of the JA4X hash algorithm in Go.
go build -o ja4x cmd/ja4x/main.go
Extract JA4X for a certificate:
./ja4x example_com.pem
ja4x: a373a9f83c6b_2bab15409345_7bf9a7bf7029
Extract JA4X for a certificate, including raw version:
./ja4x -r example_com.pem
ja4x: a373a9f83c6b_2bab15409345_7bf9a7bf7029
ja4x_r: 550406,55040a,550403_550406,550408,550407,55040a,550403_551d23,551d0e,551d11,551d0f,551d25,551d1f,551d20,2b06010505070101,551d13,2b06010401d679020402
Certificates can be supplied raw, or PEM encoded.
Add to your project:
go get
Then, assuming cert
is an *x509.Certificate
ja4xHash := ja4x.JA4X(cert)
or with the raw version,
ja4xHash, ja4xRawHash := ja4x.JA4XWithRaw(cert)
The code in this repository is MIT licensed. However, JA4X itself is subject to additional restricitons. Please see the NOTICE file for further details.