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Denis Puthier edited this page Mar 24, 2022 · 48 revisions

Welcome to the pygtftk wiki!

For users

Please look at the git repository.

For developpers

For git hubflow usage see ''.

Creating a release

Preparing the new release tag on github

Example with release 0.9.0

When everything seems to be ok you can go for a release. Follow these rules.

  • Start a new release from develop branch (THIS_VER="0.9.0"; git hf release start v$THIS_VER).
  • Ensure you have all python packages required for developement pip install "pygtftk[dev]"
  • Try installing the current version make install
  • type make release VER=$THIS_VER
  • type make release_bump VER=$THIS_VER
  • type make release_test and check the tests (or use the parallelized version e.g. make test_para -j 14).
  • type make release_nose and check the tests.
  • type make release_doc and check the doc.
  • Under OSX, check this release is pypiable.
    • rm -rf dist; python bdist_wheel
    • try to install the package using pip install dist/pygtftk-....whl
  • Publish the release to master using git hf release finish vx.x.x
  • On the github page. Delete the tag.
  • Create the tag through the gitub interface.

Creating Pypi/manylinux compliant packages for Linux

Simply type:

  • type make release_pip_unix and check the log in the wheels directory and the version.
  • type make release_pip_osx. Check the version.
  • Upload the package on Pypi using twine upload wheelhouse_manylinux

Creating conda build

  • The sha256 needs to be computed from the archive available from github using:

        - `openssl sha256 pygtftk-0.9.10.tar.gz`
  • Clone the bioconda/recipe repo

        - clone the bioconda-recipes forked repo at
        - cd bioconda-recipes/recipes/pygtftk
  • Change

       - Bump the version, the sha256 (set build: number to 0 ?) in the meta.yaml.
       - git add/commit/push
  • Check everything is working:

    • For UNIX:

      • docker pull
      • docker create --mount type=bind,source=/tmp,target=/tmp/out -i -t --name mybioconda bioconda/bioconda-utils-build-env /bin/bash
      • docker start mybioconda
      • docker attach mybioconda
      • mkdir -p /io && cd /io
      • git clone . # the forked version
      • cd recipes/pygtftk && conda-build --python 3.9 .
    • Under OSX do:

      • Go to the bioconda-recipes/recipes/pygtftk folder and conda build --python 3.9 .
  • Fork

       - create a PR


A special case of branch starting from master with modifications not to be directly included in develop branch (but upon merge with master).

  • git hf hotfix start "x.x.x"
  • git hf hotfix finish "x.x.x"

Merge if required and type:

  • git push origin:hotfix/x.x.x
  • git push origin "x.x.x"