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Configuration files managed with rcm.


git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
gh auth login --git-protocol ssh --hostname
git remote set-url origin [email protected]:doubledup/dotfiles.git

For machine-local kitty, fish and neovim config, add '.local' before the file extension and save it in the same place, eg. use ~/.config/kitty/kitty.local.conf for kitty config you only want on your current machine, or ~/.config/fish/ for NeoVim config.

GPG commit signing keys

After generating a GPG key, use it to sign commits by adding this to ~/.config/fish/

set GIT_SIGNINGKEY <signingkey>
abbr gc 'git commit -v -S$GIT_SIGNINGKEY'

This avoids committing a key id as with the global gitconfig variable user.signingkey, but still sets a default for all repositories that you can override, e.g. with direnv.


In the about:config page:

  • To enable the custom stylesheet, set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to true.
  • To disable loading tabs on demand, set browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demandbrowser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand to true


Run updateAll to update everything, including the Brewfile.

Periodically list explicitly installed packages with brew leaves and uninstall unused ones.

To list installed packages not in the Brewfile:

brew bundle install --cleanup --file ~/.dotfiles/rcignore/Brewfile

To ensure only Brewfile packages are installed:

brew bundle install --cleanup --file ~/.dotfiles/rcignore/Brewfile

When pulling updates, first run rcdn to remove all known symlinks:

cd ~/.dotfiles && rcdn -t mac && git pull && RCRC=~/.dotfiles/rcrc rcup -t mac && cd -

Detect broken symlinks potentially left behind by incorrect use of rcm:

find ~ -type l ! -exec test -e {} \; -print | rg -v '/Library/' | rg -v '/.cache/'

Verify that the symlinks are unused (e.g. chroots and containers can appear to contain broken symlinks) and remove them.


Set default terminal emulator

sudo update-alternatives --set x-terminal-emulator /usr/bin/kitty


After installing Docker, add yourself to the docker group with sudo usermod -aG docker doubledup and restart.

GNOME Extensions

Always show Bluetooth icon in system menu: Bluetooth quick connect

Speed up shell animations: Impatience Might be able to get away with setting GNOME_SHELL_SLOWDOWN_FACTOR=0.5 in /etc/environment.