A PHP library designed to simplify interaction with the dotCMS Page API. This SDK provides a clean, object-oriented interface for retrieving and working with dotCMS pages and their components.
- PHP 8.2 or higher
- Composer
Install the SDK using Composer:
composer require dotcms/php-sdk
The SDK requires configuration to connect to your dotCMS instance:
use Dotcms\PhpSdk\Config\Config;
use Dotcms\PhpSdk\Config\LogLevel;
// Create a configuration for the client
$config = new Config(
host: 'https://your-dotcms-instance.com',
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
clientOptions: [
'timeout' => 30
logConfig: [
'level' => LogLevel::INFO,
'console' => true, // Output logs to console
: Your dotCMS instance URLapiKey
: Your dotCMS API key
: Guzzle HTTP client optionsheaders
: Custom HTTP headersverify
: SSL verification (boolean)timeout
: Request timeout in secondsconnect_timeout
: Connection timeout in secondshttp_errors
: Whether to throw exceptions for HTTP errorsallow_redirects
: Whether to follow redirects
: Logging configurationlevel
: Whether to output logs to consolehandlers
: Array of custom Monolog handlers
use Dotcms\PhpSdk\DotCMSClient;
// Create the dotCMS client
$client = new DotCMSClient($config);
try {
// Create a page request for a specific page
$pageRequest = $client->createPageRequest('/', 'json');
// Get the page
$page = $client->getPage($pageRequest);
// Access page information
echo "Page title: " . $page->page->title . "\n";
echo "Page URL: " . $page->page->pageUrl . "\n";
echo "Template name: " . $page->template->title . "\n";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
try {
// Create a navigation request
$navRequest = $client->createNavigationRequest('/about-us', 2);
// Get the navigation
$nav = $client->getNavigation($navRequest);
// Access navigation information
echo "Navigation title: " . $nav['title'] . "\n";
echo "Navigation URL: " . $nav['href'] . "\n";
// Access children if available
if ($nav->hasChildren()) {
foreach ($nav->getChildren() as $child) {
echo "- " . $child['title'] . " (" . $child['href'] . ")\n";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
// Create a page request
$asyncPageRequest = $client->createPageRequest('/', 'json');
// Get the page asynchronously
$promise = $client->getPageAsync($asyncPageRequest);
// Add callbacks for success and failure
function ($asyncPage) {
echo "Async page title: " . $asyncPage->page->title . "\n";
function (\Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
// Wait for the promise to complete
// Create a navigation request
$asyncNavRequest = $client->createNavigationRequest('/', 2);
// Get the navigation asynchronously
$promise = $client->getNavigationAsync($asyncNavRequest);
// Add callbacks for success and failure
function ($nav) {
echo "Navigation title: " . $nav['title'] . "\n";
if ($nav->hasChildren()) {
foreach ($nav->getChildren() as $child) {
echo "- " . $child['title'] . "\n";
function (\Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
// Wait for the promise to complete
The PageRequest
class provides several methods to customize your page requests:
$pageRequest = $client->createPageRequest('/about-us', 'json');
// Set the language ID for the request
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withLanguageId(1);
// Set the mode (LIVE, WORKING, EDIT_MODE)
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withMode('WORKING');
// Set the depth of the content to retrieve (0-3)
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withDepth(2);
// Set personalization options
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withPersonaId('persona_id');
// Set whether to fire rules
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withFireRules(true);
// Set the host ID (Site ID)
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withHostId('48190c8c-42c4-46af-8d1a-0cd5db894797');
Note that each method returns a new instance with the updated value, so you need to reassign the result.
The NavigationRequest
class allows you to customize your navigation requests:
// Create a navigation request with custom parameters
$navRequest = $client->createNavigationRequest(
path: '/about-us', // The root path to begin traversing
depth: 2, // The depth of the folder tree to return (1-3)
languageId: 2 // The language ID for content (e.g., 2 for Spanish)
// Get the navigation with the custom parameters
$nav = $client->getNavigation($navRequest);
Once you have a page, you can access its components:
// Access site information
echo "Site hostname: " . $page->site->hostname . "\n";
// Access template information
echo "Template title: " . $page->template->title . "\n";
// Access layout information
echo "Layout header: " . $page->layout->header . "\n";
// Access containers and contentlets
foreach ($page->containers as $containerId => $container) {
echo "Container ID: " . $containerId . "\n";
if (!empty($container->contentlets)) {
foreach ($container->contentlets as $uuid => $contentletArray) {
foreach ($contentletArray as $contentlet) {
echo "Contentlet type: " . $contentlet->contentType . "\n";
echo "Contentlet title: " . ($contentlet->title ?? 'N/A') . "\n";
// Access additional fields using array access
foreach ($contentlet as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
if (is_scalar($fieldValue)) {
echo "$fieldName: $fieldValue\n";
The NavigationItem
class extends AbstractModel
and provides array access to its properties:
// Check if the navigation item is a folder
if ($nav->isFolder()) {
echo "This is a folder\n";
// Check if the navigation item is a page
if ($nav->isPage()) {
echo "This is a page\n";
// Access navigation properties using array access
echo "Title: " . $nav['title'] . "\n";
echo "URL: " . $nav['href'] . "\n";
echo "Type: " . $nav['type'] . "\n";
echo "Target: " . $nav['target'] . "\n"; // e.g., "_self", "_blank"
echo "Order: " . $nav['order'] . "\n";
// Recursively process navigation tree
function processNavigation($navItem, $level = 0) {
$indent = str_repeat(" ", $level);
echo $indent . "- " . $navItem['title'] . " (" . $navItem['href'] . ")\n";
if ($navItem->hasChildren()) {
foreach ($navItem->getChildren() as $child) {
processNavigation($child, $level + 1);
The main client for interacting with the dotCMS API.
Method | Description | Parameters |
__construct |
Create a new client instance | Config $config |
getPage |
Fetch a page synchronously | PageRequest $request |
getPageAsync |
Fetch a page asynchronously | PageRequest $request |
createPageRequest |
Create a new page request | string $pagePath, string $format = 'json' |
getNavigation |
Fetch navigation items synchronously | NavigationRequest $request |
getNavigationAsync |
Fetch navigation items asynchronously | NavigationRequest $request |
createNavigationRequest |
Create a new navigation request | string $path = '/', int $depth = 1, int $languageId = 1 |
Represents a request to the dotCMS Page API.
Method | Description | Parameters |
__construct |
Create a new page request | string $pagePath, string $format = 'json' |
withLanguageId |
Set the language ID for the request | int $languageId |
withMode |
Set the mode (LIVE, WORKING, EDIT_MODE) | string $mode |
withDepth |
Set the depth of the content to retrieve (0-3) | int $depth |
withPersonaId |
Set the persona ID for personalization | string $personaId |
withHostId |
Set the host ID (Site ID) | string $hostId |
withFireRules |
Set whether to fire rules | bool $fireRules |
buildPath |
(Internal) Build the API path for the request | None |
buildQueryParams |
(Internal) Build the query parameters for the request | None |
Represents a request to the dotCMS Navigation API.
Method | Description | Parameters |
__construct |
Create a new navigation request | string $path = '/', int $depth = 1, int $languageId = 1 |
getPath |
Get the path | None |
getDepth |
Get the depth | None |
getLanguageId |
Get the language ID | None |
buildPath |
(Internal) Build the API path for the request | None |
buildQueryParams |
(Internal) Build the query parameters for the request | None |
Represents a complete page asset from dotCMS.
Property | Type | Description |
page |
Page | The Page object |
site |
Site | The Site object |
template |
Template | The Template object |
layout |
Layout | The Layout object |
containers |
Array | Array of Container objects |
Represents a navigation item from the dotCMS Navigation API. Extends AbstractModel to provide array access to properties.
Property | Type | Description |
code |
?string | The code of the navigation item |
folder |
?string | The folder identifier |
host |
string | The host identifier |
languageId |
int | The language ID |
href |
string | The URL of the navigation item |
title |
string | The title of the navigation item |
type |
string | The type of the navigation item (folder, htmlpage, etc.) |
hash |
int | The hash of the navigation item |
target |
string | The target attribute for links (_self, _blank, etc.) |
order |
int | The order of the navigation item |
Method | Description | Return Type |
isFolder |
Check if this navigation item is a folder | bool |
isPage |
Check if this navigation item is a page | bool |
hasChildren |
Check if this navigation item has children | bool |
getChildren |
Get the children as NavigationItem objects | ?array |
The SDK provides several exception classes for error handling:
Exception | Description |
DotCMSException |
Base exception class for all SDK exceptions |
ConfigException |
Thrown when there's an issue with the configuration |
HttpException |
Thrown when there's an HTTP error |
ResponseException |
Thrown when there's an issue with the response |
Example error handling:
try {
$page = $client->getPage($pageRequest);
} catch (ConfigException $e) {
echo "Configuration error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
} catch (HttpException $e) {
echo "HTTP error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
echo "Status code: " . $e->getStatusCode() . "\n";
} catch (ResponseException $e) {
echo "Response error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
} catch (DotCMSException $e) {
echo "dotCMS error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo "General error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Dotcms\PhpSdk\Config\Config;
use Dotcms\PhpSdk\DotCMSClient;
// Create configuration
$config = new Config(
host: 'https://demo.dotcms.com',
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
// Create client
$client = new DotCMSClient($config);
// Create page request
$pageRequest = $client->createPageRequest('/', 'json');
// Get page
$page = $client->getPage($pageRequest);
// Display page information
echo "Page title: " . $page->page->title . "\n";
echo "Page URL: " . $page->page->pageUrl . "\n";
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Dotcms\PhpSdk\Config\Config;
use Dotcms\PhpSdk\DotCMSClient;
// Create configuration
$config = new Config(
host: 'https://demo.dotcms.com',
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
// Create client
$client = new DotCMSClient($config);
// Create navigation request for the About Us section with depth=2
$navRequest = $client->createNavigationRequest('/about-us', 2);
// Get navigation
$nav = $client->getNavigation($navRequest);
// Display navigation information
echo "Navigation title: " . $nav['title'] . "\n";
// Display children if available
if ($nav->hasChildren()) {
echo "Children:\n";
foreach ($nav->getChildren() as $child) {
echo "- " . $child['title'] . " (" . $child['href'] . ")\n";
The SDK can be easily integrated with Symfony. See the examples/dotcms-symfony
directory for a complete example.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies:
composer install
- Run tests:
composer test
The project uses PHP-CS-Fixer for code style. Run the following commands:
- Check code style:
composer cs-check
- Fix code style:
composer cs-fix
The project uses PHPStan for static analysis:
composer phpstan
composer check
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.