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dotCMS PHP SDK (alpha)

A PHP library designed to simplify interaction with the dotCMS Page API. This SDK provides a clean, object-oriented interface for retrieving and working with dotCMS pages and their components.


  • PHP 8.2 or higher
  • Composer


Install the SDK using Composer:

composer require dotcms/php-sdk


The SDK requires configuration to connect to your dotCMS instance:

use Dotcms\PhpSdk\Config\Config;
use Dotcms\PhpSdk\Config\LogLevel;

// Create a configuration for the client
$config = new Config(
    host: '',
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    clientOptions: [
        'timeout' => 30
    logConfig: [
        'level' => LogLevel::INFO,
        'console' => true, // Output logs to console

Configuration Options

Required Parameters

  • host: Your dotCMS instance URL
  • apiKey: Your dotCMS API key

Optional Parameters

  • clientOptions: Guzzle HTTP client options

    • headers: Custom HTTP headers
    • verify: SSL verification (boolean)
    • timeout: Request timeout in seconds
    • connect_timeout: Connection timeout in seconds
    • http_errors: Whether to throw exceptions for HTTP errors
    • allow_redirects: Whether to follow redirects
  • logConfig: Logging configuration

    • console: Whether to output logs to console
    • handlers: Array of custom Monolog handlers

Basic Usage

Creating a Client

use Dotcms\PhpSdk\DotCMSClient;

// Create the dotCMS client
$client = new DotCMSClient($config);

Fetching a Page

try {
    // Create a page request for a specific page
    $pageRequest = $client->createPageRequest('/', 'json');
    // Get the page
    $page = $client->getPage($pageRequest);
    // Access page information
    echo "Page title: " . $page->page->title . "\n";
    echo "Page URL: " . $page->page->pageUrl . "\n";
    echo "Template name: " . $page->template->title . "\n";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";

Fetching Navigation

try {
    // Create a navigation request
    $navRequest = $client->createNavigationRequest('/about-us', 2);
    // Get the navigation
    $nav = $client->getNavigation($navRequest);
    // Access navigation information
    echo "Navigation title: " . $nav['title'] . "\n";
    echo "Navigation URL: " . $nav['href'] . "\n";
    // Access children if available
    if ($nav->hasChildren()) {
        foreach ($nav->getChildren() as $child) {
            echo "- " . $child['title'] . " (" . $child['href'] . ")\n";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";

Asynchronous Requests

// Create a page request
$asyncPageRequest = $client->createPageRequest('/', 'json');

// Get the page asynchronously
$promise = $client->getPageAsync($asyncPageRequest);

// Add callbacks for success and failure
    function ($asyncPage) {
        echo "Async page title: " . $asyncPage->page->title . "\n";
    function (\Exception $e) {
        echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";

// Wait for the promise to complete

Asynchronous Navigation Requests

// Create a navigation request
$asyncNavRequest = $client->createNavigationRequest('/', 2);

// Get the navigation asynchronously
$promise = $client->getNavigationAsync($asyncNavRequest);

// Add callbacks for success and failure
    function ($nav) {
        echo "Navigation title: " . $nav['title'] . "\n";
        if ($nav->hasChildren()) {
            foreach ($nav->getChildren() as $child) {
                echo "- " . $child['title'] . "\n";
    function (\Exception $e) {
        echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";

// Wait for the promise to complete

Advanced Usage

Customizing Page Requests

The PageRequest class provides several methods to customize your page requests:

$pageRequest = $client->createPageRequest('/about-us', 'json');

// Set the language ID for the request
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withLanguageId(1);

// Set the mode (LIVE, WORKING, EDIT_MODE)
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withMode('WORKING');

// Set the depth of the content to retrieve (0-3)
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withDepth(2);

// Set personalization options
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withPersonaId('persona_id');

// Set whether to fire rules
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withFireRules(true);

// Set the host ID (Site ID)
$pageRequest = $pageRequest->withHostId('48190c8c-42c4-46af-8d1a-0cd5db894797');

Note that each method returns a new instance with the updated value, so you need to reassign the result.

Customizing Navigation Requests

The NavigationRequest class allows you to customize your navigation requests:

// Create a navigation request with custom parameters
$navRequest = $client->createNavigationRequest(
    path: '/about-us',  // The root path to begin traversing
    depth: 2,           // The depth of the folder tree to return (1-3)
    languageId: 2       // The language ID for content (e.g., 2 for Spanish)

// Get the navigation with the custom parameters
$nav = $client->getNavigation($navRequest);

Working with Page Components

Once you have a page, you can access its components:

// Access site information
echo "Site hostname: " . $page->site->hostname . "\n";

// Access template information
echo "Template title: " . $page->template->title . "\n";

// Access layout information
echo "Layout header: " . $page->layout->header . "\n";

// Access containers and contentlets
foreach ($page->containers as $containerId => $container) {
    echo "Container ID: " . $containerId . "\n";
    if (!empty($container->contentlets)) {
        foreach ($container->contentlets as $uuid => $contentletArray) {
            foreach ($contentletArray as $contentlet) {
                echo "Contentlet type: " . $contentlet->contentType . "\n";
                echo "Contentlet title: " . ($contentlet->title ?? 'N/A') . "\n";
                // Access additional fields using array access
                foreach ($contentlet as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                    if (is_scalar($fieldValue)) {
                        echo "$fieldName: $fieldValue\n";

Working with Navigation Items

The NavigationItem class extends AbstractModel and provides array access to its properties:

// Check if the navigation item is a folder
if ($nav->isFolder()) {
    echo "This is a folder\n";

// Check if the navigation item is a page
if ($nav->isPage()) {
    echo "This is a page\n";

// Access navigation properties using array access
echo "Title: " . $nav['title'] . "\n";
echo "URL: " . $nav['href'] . "\n";
echo "Type: " . $nav['type'] . "\n";
echo "Target: " . $nav['target'] . "\n"; // e.g., "_self", "_blank"
echo "Order: " . $nav['order'] . "\n";

// Recursively process navigation tree
function processNavigation($navItem, $level = 0) {
    $indent = str_repeat("  ", $level);
    echo $indent . "- " . $navItem['title'] . " (" . $navItem['href'] . ")\n";
    if ($navItem->hasChildren()) {
        foreach ($navItem->getChildren() as $child) {
            processNavigation($child, $level + 1);


API Reference


The main client for interacting with the dotCMS API.

Method Description Parameters
__construct Create a new client instance Config $config
getPage Fetch a page synchronously PageRequest $request
getPageAsync Fetch a page asynchronously PageRequest $request
createPageRequest Create a new page request string $pagePath, string $format = 'json'
getNavigation Fetch navigation items synchronously NavigationRequest $request
getNavigationAsync Fetch navigation items asynchronously NavigationRequest $request
createNavigationRequest Create a new navigation request string $path = '/', int $depth = 1, int $languageId = 1


Represents a request to the dotCMS Page API.

Method Description Parameters
__construct Create a new page request string $pagePath, string $format = 'json'
withLanguageId Set the language ID for the request int $languageId
withMode Set the mode (LIVE, WORKING, EDIT_MODE) string $mode
withDepth Set the depth of the content to retrieve (0-3) int $depth
withPersonaId Set the persona ID for personalization string $personaId
withHostId Set the host ID (Site ID) string $hostId
withFireRules Set whether to fire rules bool $fireRules
buildPath (Internal) Build the API path for the request None
buildQueryParams (Internal) Build the query parameters for the request None


Represents a request to the dotCMS Navigation API.

Method Description Parameters
__construct Create a new navigation request string $path = '/', int $depth = 1, int $languageId = 1
getPath Get the path None
getDepth Get the depth None
getLanguageId Get the language ID None
buildPath (Internal) Build the API path for the request None
buildQueryParams (Internal) Build the query parameters for the request None


Represents a complete page asset from dotCMS.

Property Type Description
page Page The Page object
site Site The Site object
template Template The Template object
layout Layout The Layout object
containers Array Array of Container objects


Represents a navigation item from the dotCMS Navigation API. Extends AbstractModel to provide array access to properties.

Property Type Description
code ?string The code of the navigation item
folder ?string The folder identifier
host string The host identifier
languageId int The language ID
href string The URL of the navigation item
title string The title of the navigation item
type string The type of the navigation item (folder, htmlpage, etc.)
hash int The hash of the navigation item
target string The target attribute for links (_self, _blank, etc.)
order int The order of the navigation item
Method Description Return Type
isFolder Check if this navigation item is a folder bool
isPage Check if this navigation item is a page bool
hasChildren Check if this navigation item has children bool
getChildren Get the children as NavigationItem objects ?array

Error Handling

The SDK provides several exception classes for error handling:

Exception Description
DotCMSException Base exception class for all SDK exceptions
ConfigException Thrown when there's an issue with the configuration
HttpException Thrown when there's an HTTP error
ResponseException Thrown when there's an issue with the response

Example error handling:

try {
    $page = $client->getPage($pageRequest);
} catch (ConfigException $e) {
    echo "Configuration error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
} catch (HttpException $e) {
    echo "HTTP error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
    echo "Status code: " . $e->getStatusCode() . "\n";
} catch (ResponseException $e) {
    echo "Response error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
} catch (DotCMSException $e) {
    echo "dotCMS error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo "General error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";


Basic Page Example


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Dotcms\PhpSdk\Config\Config;
use Dotcms\PhpSdk\DotCMSClient;

// Create configuration
$config = new Config(
    host: '',
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'

// Create client
$client = new DotCMSClient($config);

// Create page request
$pageRequest = $client->createPageRequest('/', 'json');

// Get page
$page = $client->getPage($pageRequest);

// Display page information
echo "Page title: " . $page->page->title . "\n";
echo "Page URL: " . $page->page->pageUrl . "\n";

Basic Navigation Example


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Dotcms\PhpSdk\Config\Config;
use Dotcms\PhpSdk\DotCMSClient;

// Create configuration
$config = new Config(
    host: '',
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'

// Create client
$client = new DotCMSClient($config);

// Create navigation request for the About Us section with depth=2
$navRequest = $client->createNavigationRequest('/about-us', 2);

// Get navigation
$nav = $client->getNavigation($navRequest);

// Display navigation information
echo "Navigation title: " . $nav['title'] . "\n";

// Display children if available
if ($nav->hasChildren()) {
    echo "Children:\n";
    foreach ($nav->getChildren() as $child) {
        echo "- " . $child['title'] . " (" . $child['href'] . ")\n";

Integration with Symfony

The SDK can be easily integrated with Symfony. See the examples/dotcms-symfony directory for a complete example.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

Development Setup

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: composer install
  3. Run tests: composer test

Coding Standards

The project uses PHP-CS-Fixer for code style. Run the following commands:

  • Check code style: composer cs-check
  • Fix code style: composer cs-fix

Static Analysis

The project uses PHPStan for static analysis:

composer phpstan

Running All Checks

composer check


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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