- This project develops an API that allows users to authenticate, scrape RSS feeds, follow feeds of their choice, and view posts from the feeds they follow
- The API is tested, dockerised and available on Docker Hub
- Then the API is used in a local Kubernetes application, ending with dashboards for monitoring Kubernetes and the API
Tech: Go, PostgreSQL, GitHub Actions, Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Grafana
- There are 4 main Entities (User, Feed, Post, FeedFollows) alongside their schemas. Each is in its own table in PostgreSQL
User queries on /users
- GET (auth): returns a User entity
- POST: creates a User and returns a User
Feed queries on /feeds
- GET: returns list of Feed entities
- POST (auth): takes in a name and url to scrape its RSS feed and returns a Feed
Post queries on /posts
- GET (auth): (optionally takes pagination params) returns a list of Post entities for the authenticated user
FeedFollows queries on /feed_follows
- GET (auth): returns followed feeds for the authenticated user
- POST (auth): the authenticated User follows a Feed and returns a FeedFollow
- DELETE (auth): the authenticated User unfollows a feed
There are 2 middlewares
- Authentication (on selected actions)
- Logging request/reponses to the database for monitoring (on all)
(I also tried creating a docs with swagger. The result looks similar to the auto-generated docs by FastAPI - picture in the docs directory)
The dockerised API is lint, tested, and pushed to Docker Hub using GitHub Actions.
This is my local cluster setup.
API Traffic Flow
- Users interact with the
(LoadBalancer), which forwards traffic to theapi pod
- The api pods handle the request and may need to query the database (
Database Access with NetworkPolicy
- The
api pod
connects to thedb-service
, which routes traffic todb pods
- The
NetworkPolicy allows theapi pod
to access thedb
Storage for Database
- The
db pod
uses Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) to request storage - The storage is backed by a Persistent Volume (PV)
- Database connection information is passed to both
api pod
anddb pod
- I setup Prometheus (with Helm) for K8s cluster monitoring and metrics. The information is sent to Grafana (setup with Helm) to create dashboards. Here are dashboards pics from the
api pod
anddb pod
api pod
db pod
- I also setup a dashboard to monitor the API traffic
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/.
# check everything is good
kubectl get all
# expose API to local
kubectl port-forward api-pod-name 8080
helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm install my-prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus
helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm install my-grafana grafana-grafana
# check pods/svc with kubectl are running...
# get grafana pwd and save it for login
kubectl get secret -n default my-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
# port-forward grafana to localhost
kubectl port-forward service/my-grafana 3000:80 --address=''
# visit and use admin/pwd
You should see something like if everything is ok:
- send API logs to a dedicated database and/or create a main/copy database pod for writes only to the main, and the copy reads them and is used for dashboards (maybe try running replicated stateful apps)
- try using an ingress controller for exposing the API with K8s
- this is my 1st time using Go (thanks Lane Wagner for the awesome intro to Go), so learning more about the language's capabilities and improving the API
- add caching to the API
└── 📁rssagg
└── 📁.github
└── 📁workflows
└── push_img_to_hub.yaml
└── run_tests.yaml
└── 📁docs # Go swagger generated API documentation
└── 📁grafana # Grafana dashboards
└── api-logs-dashboard.json
└── k8s-pods-dashboard.json
└── 📁internal # Go API internals
└── 📁auth
└── auth.go
└── 📁database
└── db.go
└── feed_follows.sql.go
└── feeds.sql.go
└── logs.sql.go
└── migration.go
└── models.go
└── posts.sql.go
└── users.sql.go
└── 📁handlers
└── api.go
└── err.go
└── feed_follows.go
└── feed.go
└── middleware_auth.go
└── middleware_log.go
└── readiness.go
└── user.go
└── 📁mockdb
└── db.go
└── 📁rss
└── rss.go
└── scraper.go
└── 📁utils
└── json.go
└── models.go
└── 📁kubernetes # K8s configs
└── api-deploy-svc.yaml
└── db-deploy-svc.yaml
└── db-pv.yaml
└── db-pvc.yaml
└── db-secret.yaml
└── linter-config.yaml
└── network-policy.yaml
└── 📁project-info
└── 📁sqlc # Database migrations
└── 📁queries
└── feed_follows.sql
└── feeds.sql
└── logs.sql
└── posts.sql
└── users.sql
└── 📁schema
└── 001_users.sql
└── 002_users_apikey.sql
└── 003_feeds.sql
└── 004_feed_follows.sql
└── 005_feeds_lastfetchedat.sql
└── 006_posts.sql
└── 007_logging.sql
└── 008_default_user.sql
└── 📁tests
└── api_test.go
└── auth_test.go
└── containers.go
└── err_test.go
└── feeds_test.go
└── main_test.go
└── posts_test.go
└── users_test.go
└── .gitignore
└── .pre-commit-config.yaml
└── docker-compose.yaml
└── Dockerfile
└── entrypoint.sh
└── go.mod
└── go.sum
└── main.go
└── README.md
└── sqlc.yaml