hubbard is a Python package built on sisl for solving the mean-field Hubbard model.
This project was initiated by Sofia Sanz and Thomas Frederiksen at DIPC in 2018.
Recommended online documentation.
Before installation of hubbard the following packages are required
- python >= 3.6
- numpy >= 1.13
- scipy >= 0.18
- matplotlib >= 2.2.2
- sisl >= 0.15.0
Optional dependencies:
- netCDF4 >= 1.3.1
Manual installation is performed with the command
python3 -m pip install . --prefix=<prefix>
Contributions are highly appreciated.
If you find any bugs please form a bug report/issue.
If you have a fix please consider adding a pull request.
hubbard is distributed under LGPL, please see the LICENSE file.
Financial support from Spanish AEI (FIS2017-83780-P, PID2020-115406GB-I00), the Basque Departamento de Educación through the PhD scholarship no. PRE_2020_2_0049 (S.S.) and the European Union's Horizon 2020 (FET-Open project SPRING Grant No. 863098) is acknowledged.