A Platform and Solver for ordering NxN tiles into the correct order
In 2001, I took a Scheme based class where one of the final projects was to write a program to visualize and solve a 4x4 tile game, aka the 15 tile puzzle. I wrote up a solution for the class, but the AI had no planning ability. It was a very heuristic heavy solution, and I always wanted to improve on it. Recently I decided to learn Clojure and thought this would be a nice project to dig my teeth into.
- Arrow keys move the empty tile.
- R randomizes the tiles for the current dimension
- S will execute solve-next which is a heuristic based solver which does not actually complete.
- Q will quit
Ported it to cross-compile to clojurescript for the browser. Experimenting with using core.async instead of agents for playing back a solution asynchronously. This allows for canceling in-process asynchronous actions by blocking on read from a cancel or timeout channel before processing each event.
(go-loop [[move & remaining] moves]
(if move
(let [[_ c] (async/alts! [cancel (async/timeout delay)])]
(when (not= c cancel)
(slide! move)
(recur remaining))))
(async/close! cancel)))
In the main event loop any new events first close the cancel channel causing the go-loop above to exit.
For java client:
clojure -m tile-game.core
For web client
clojure -m figwheel.main -b dev -r
visit http://localhost:9500
The solver is unfinished, I got caught up in other projects before completing it. It will solve a portion of the problem with a heuristic, but will not search for a general solution. This was also my first experience with the language, so it's definitely not idiomatic Clojure.
Copyright (C) 2011-2025 Charles L.G. Comstock
Distributed under the MIT Public License, see LICENSE file