artificial intelligence, GenAI, etc.
Android Studio IDE from Jet-Brains
meta-build commandlet (ide build)
IDEasy command-line-interface (parsing args, etc.)
Support in Windows CMD/MSDOS via ide.bat
auto-completion in bash or build in CLI
should be configurable or configuration change
FileAccess, ProcessUtil, IdeContext, etc.
Create commandlet used to create new IDEasy projects with "ide create"
ide-custom-tools.json and related features
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Tool dependencies (if tool A requires tool B)
backward compatibility for devonfw-ide (regression)
docker and esp. DockerDesktop
Improvements or additions to documentation
download of tools, plugins, code from git, any HTTP traffic over the network
This issue or pull request already exists
EnvironmentCommandlet, env variables, path, etc.