- Any bluetooth device can work as a presence tracker
You can provide
parameter to the device to set the limit in second when the device is considered away. The default value is 180 seconds.
Redmond RK-G2xxS series (type: redmond_rk_g200)
The default key that is used is
and can be omitted in the config. In some cases kettles don't accept it. Just use another key in the config file for the device:"key": "16 random hex numbers"
Mi Kettle (type: mikettle)
Use correct
for your kettle:- yunmi.kettle.v1:
- yunmi.kettle.v2:
(default) - yunmi.kettle.v7:
- yunmi.kettle.v1:
Redmond RMC-M225S, RMC-M227S (type: redmond_rmc_m200)
Notes about the key parameter you can read above for the Redmond kettles. Other RMC multi-cookers may need adjustments for the list of available programs, it depends on the device panel.
- Xiaomi MJ_HT_V1 (type: xiaomihtv1)
- Xiaomi LYWSD02MMC (type: xiaomihtv1)
- Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC (type: xiaomilywsd) (due to the connection to the device on every data fetch, it consumes more battery power. Flashing to the custom firmware is recommended)
- Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC with custom ATC firmware (xiaomilywsd_atc)
- supported both atc1441 and pvvx formats
- Qingping CGDK2 (type: qingpingCGDK2)
- RuuviTag (type: ruuvitag)
- RuuviTag Pro 2in1 (type: ruuvitag_pro_2in1)
- RuuviTag Pro 3in1 (type: ruuvitag_pro_3in1)
- RuuviTag Pro 4in1 (type: ruuvitag)
- Govee H5074, H5075 (type: govee_ht)
- Vson WP6003 (type: wp6003)
Generic AM43 (type: am43)
Manufacturer can be A-OK, Zemismart, etc.
Soma Shades (type: soma_shades)
- Avea RGBW bulbs (type: avea_rgbw)
- Atom Fast (type: atomfast)
Ensto EPHBEBT10PR, EPHBEBT15PR (type: ensto_thermostat)
These devices require manual pairing. After the device is paired on the host device, see the logs for the
and put it to the config.The adapter uses holiday mode to control temperature as thermostat. You cannot use this feature in the official app while ble2mqtt is working.
- Roidmi NEX2 Pro (type: roidmi_cleaner)
- BM2 car battery voltage meter (type: voltage_bm2)
LifeControl MCLH-09 (type: mclh09)
optionally, polling interval can be configured with
parameter in seconds -
Xiaomi Mi Flora (type: miflora)
optionally, polling interval can be configured with
parameter in seconds
By default, a device works in the passive mode without connection by
listening to advertisement packets from a device.
To use connection to the device provide "passive": false
Supported devices in passive mode:
- Xiaomi MJ_HT_V1 (xiaomihtv1)
- Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC with custom ATC firmware (xiaomilywsd_atc)
- RuuviTag (ruuvitag/ruuvitag_pro_2in1/ruuvitag_pro_3in1)
- Govee temperature/humidity sensors (govee_ht)
- Any device as presence tracker
Some devices (e.g. Ensto heaters) require paired connection to work with it. You need to pair the device with linux machine before using it.
Find out MAC addresses of your devices. Put the device in pairing mode if it is supported.
Open console and run bluetoothctl
command. It is a command line tool to work with BLE devices.
Wait for the prompt
Print a command to enable scanning. Linux must know the device is present before pairing.
[bluetooth]# scan on
Wait for MAC address of the device appears in the list of found devices. Print a pairing command (replace MAC address to the one from your device)
[bluetooth]# pair 90:fd:00:00:00:01
On successful pairing you'll see a message:
[CHG] Device 90:FD:00:00:00:01 Paired: yes
Pairing successful
You can proceed with the next configuration steps now.
If using SELinux and you are experience issues, see README.md.
- High cpu usage due to underlying library to work with bluetooth
Use this software at your own risk.
Default config should be located in /etc/ble2mqtt.json
can be overridden with BLE2MQTT_CONFIG
environment variable.
Example run command:
BLE2MQTT_CONFIG=./ble2mqtt.json ble2mqtt
The configuration file is a JSON with the following content:
"mqtt_host": "localhost",
"mqtt_port": 1883,
"mqtt_user": "",
"mqtt_password": "",
"log_level": "INFO",
"// remove this comment. Set next line to true if you have HA <2024.4": "",
"legacy_color_mode": false,
"devices": [
"address": "11:22:33:aa:cc:aa",
"type": "presence"
"address": "11:22:33:aa:bb:cc",
"type": "redmond_rk_g200",
"key": "ffffffffffffffff"
"address": "11:22:33:aa:bb:c0",
"type": "redmond_rmc_m200",
"key": "ffffffffffffffff"
"address": "11:22:33:aa:bb:c1",
"type": "ensto_thermostat",
"# see logs after pairing and put the key to config": "",
"key": "00112233"
"address": "11:22:33:aa:bb:cd",
"type": "mikettle",
"product_id": 275
"address": "11:22:33:aa:bb:de",
"type": "am43"
"address": "11:22:33:aa:bb:dd",
"type": "xiaomihtv1",
"interval": 60
"address": "11:22:34:aa:bb:dd",
"type": "xiaomihtv1",
"passive": false
"address": "11:22:33:aa:bb:ee",
"type": "xiaomilywsd"
"address": "11:22:33:aa:bb:ff",
"type": "xiaomilywsd_atc",
"interval": 60
"address": "11:22:33:aa:aa:aa",
"type": "atomfast"
"address": "11:22:33:aa:aa:bb",
"type": "voltage_bm2"
"address": "11:22:33:aa:aa:bc",
"type": "mclh09",
"interval": 600
"address": "11:22:33:aa:aa:bd",
"type": "miflora",
"interval": 500
"address": "11:22:33:aa:aa:be",
"type": "ruuvitag",
"interval": 60
"address": "11:22:33:aa:aa:0a",
"type": "roidmi_cleaner"
You can omit a line, then default value will be used.
Extra configuration parameters:
- the default value is 'ble2mqtt'"mqtt_prefix"
- a prefix to distinguish ble devices from other instances and programs. The default value is 'b2m_'."hci_adapter"
- an adapter to use. The default value is "hci0""legacy_color_mode"
- set to true if you have Home Assistant version < 2024.4. For example, if you use HomeAssistant on OpenWrt script.
Devices accept friendly_name
parameter to replace mac address in device
names for Home Assistant.
Put the following content to the unit file /etc/systemd/system/ble2mqtt.service
Description=ble2mqtt bridge
The user and group should match the owner and group of the configuration file /etc/ble2mqtt.json.
Afterwards you simply have to enable and start the service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable ble2mqtt
sudo systemctl start ble2mqtt
Create the configuration file in /etc/ble2mqtt.json and append your devices.
Execute the following commands in the terminal:
opkg update
opkg install python3-ble2mqtt
/etc/init.d/ble2mqtt enable
/etc/init.d/ble2mqtt start
Execute the following commands in the terminal:
opkg update
opkg install python3-pip python3-asyncio
pip3 install "bleak>=0.11.0"
pip3 install -U ble2mqtt
Create the configuration file in /etc/ble2mqtt.json and append your devices.
Bluetooth must be turned on.
hciconfig hci0 up
Run the service in background
ble2mqtt 2> /tmp/ble2mqtt.log &
Add a service script to start:
cat <<EOF > /etc/init.d/ble2mqtt
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
procd_set_param env BLE2MQTT_CONFIG=/etc/ble2mqtt.json
procd_set_param command /usr/bin/ble2mqtt
procd_set_param stdout 1
procd_set_param stderr 1
chmod +x /etc/init.d/ble2mqtt
/etc/init.d/ble2mqtt enable
/etc/init.d/ble2mqtt start
Due to small CPU power and increasing number of messages from bluetoothd it is recommended to do several workarounds:
- Use passive mode for those sensors for which this is possible. E.g. use custom ATC firmware for lywsd03mmc sensors
- Restart
daily and restart ble2mqtt several times a day to reduce increasing CPU usage. Put the following lines to the/etc/crontabs/root
10 0,7,17 * * * /etc/init.d/ble2mqtt restart
1 4,14 * * * /etc/init.d/bluetoothd restart
Build the image as:
podman build -t ble2mqtt:dev .
Start the container and share the config file and DBus for Bluetooth connectivity:
podman run \
-d \
--net=host \
-v $PWD/ble2mqtt.json.sample:/etc/ble2mqtt.json:z \
-v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus:z \
Instead of sharing /var/run/dbus
, you can export DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS
NOTE: --net=host
is required as it needs to use the bluetooth interface
NOTE: podman
is the same as docker
ATTENTION: Make sure
is not running (or not intalled) on your host.
Build the image as:
docker build -t ble2mqtt:dev .
Start the container and share the config file:
docker run \
-d \
--net=host \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
-v $PWD/ble2mqtt.json.sample:/etc/ble2mqtt.json:ro \
Docker compose:
version: '3.7'
image: ble2mqtt:dev
build: ./ble2mqtt
hostname: ble2mqtt
restart: always
- TZ=Asia/Yekaterinburg
- ./ble2mqtt/ble2mqtt.json:/etc/ble2mqtt.json:ro
network_mode: host
You do not need to share /var/run/dbus
, because dbus
will start in the container.
NOTE: --net=host
and --cap-add=NET_ADMIN
is required as it needs to use and control the bluetooth interface