Uzume (アメオウズメ) is a project created and powered by the community of the zekro's Dev-Schuppen Discord guild. We want to create a system which provides funny und useful features involving the guild and the community - built by the community.
This bot will not be responsible for any administrative or moderative features on the guild. Thats the area of resposibility of shinpuru.
We decided to write the bot in Go using the Discord API wrapper disgord.
As a part of the Dev-Schuppen guild, feel free to contribute to the project. Just fork the project and create a pull request to this repository with your changes.
Of course, you can also contribute by dropping some ideas or reporting problems / bugs as issue.
If you are less experienced in Go, here are some useful resources to get into it:
© 2019 dev-schueppchen
This project is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
See LICENSE for details.