Alloc the instance
_maker = [[BMWaveMaker alloc] init];
Assign the detination view
This step is necessary, other wise, the maker will not have the animation and also throw out the warning message;
_maker.animationView = self.view;
Use the Methods https://momolens.co/
- (void)spanWave; //span a single wave /** * span numerous waves * * @param timeInteral waves cycle */ - (void)spanWaveContinuallyWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)timeInterval;
/** * stop wave animation * * @param immediately - if the value is YES, the waves will be removed immediately, otherwise, they'll be removed automatically */ - (void)stopWaveImmediately:(BOOL)immediately; /** * stop wave animation; * same as [waveMaker stopWaveImmediately:NO]; */ - (void)stopWave;
Parameters Explaintions
/** * the view which will add the animations; */ @property (nonatomic, weak) UIView *animationView; /** * the center of the wave, default is the View's center; */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CGPoint waveCenter; /** * wave's width, default is 2.0f; */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat wavePathWidth; /** * span animation duration, default is 1.0f; */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat animationDuration; /** * wave's color - Arc's color, default is [UIColor blueColor]; */ @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *waveColor; /** * the origin wave layer's radius, not contains the board width; * default value is 20.0f; */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat originRadius; /** * The following two property is used for calculating the final wave's size. * The properties are alternative, if they are setted the value at the same time, * the property spanSale is valid and the finalRadius property will be ignored. */ ///Zoom in scale, the value should be greater than 1.0f; @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat spanScale; ///Zoom in final radius, the value should be greater than originRadius, if not, the value will be originRadius * 2; @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat finalRadius; /** * the color filled in the wave; */ @property (nonatomic, assign) UIColor *waveFillColor; /** * the stauts suggested that if the view has waves waving; */ @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isWaving;
If you have some questions, please do not hesitated to contact me!
Email: [email protected]