Clark and I were chatting the other night and I decided I want a way to try to scan for people pushing rtl_tcp connections to the public internet.
After digging through the rtl_tcp source for a short while I found that when you connect to a rtl_tcp server it immediately dumps a 12 byte structure to the socket. The structure is 4 char bytes that is always "RTL0", then a uint32_t with the type of dongle, and another uint32_t with the dongle gain. The int desribing the dongle is set by an enum so I just copied that. Everything else is pretty straight forward. At this time the program really only scans on port 1234 as that is the defualt. I will work on that later.
The entire program is written in python2.7. I have no idea if it will run on other versions. There are no other dependencies. I wrote it so that you could run it on a bare python build.
The program requires at least two arguments. The -a or --address and -m or --mask option. -a should be the network address to scan -m should be the mask of the network to scan.
Optionally you can pass the -of or --output_file argument to write the results to a text file.
./ -a -m
./ --address --mask
./ -a -m -of results.txt
./ -a -m --output_file results.txt