This library is a Go package designed to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. This package provides robust tools for connecting to Ethereum nodes, sending transactions, and handling smart contract events. Whether you're developing a decentralized application or conducting blockchain analysis.
Some of key features include:
- An RPC client that supports HTTP, WebSocket and IPC transports.
- An ABI package allowing developers to easily interact with smart contracts.
- An extendable and easy to use ABI encoder and decoder.
- Support for JSON and HD wallets.
go get -u
The examples below provide a glimpse into the usage of the go-eth
The go-eth
package offers a JSON-RPC client that can be used to establish a connection with a node. The example below
demonstrates how to connect to a node using HTTP transport method.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create transport.
// There are several other transports available:
// - HTTP (NewHTTP)
// - WebSocket (NewWebsocket)
// - IPC (NewIPC)
t, err := transport.NewHTTP(transport.HTTPOptions{URL: ""})
if err != nil {
// Create a JSON-RPC client.
c, err := rpc.NewClient(rpc.WithTransport(t))
if err != nil {
// Get the latest block number.
b, err := c.BlockNumber(context.Background())
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Latest block number:", b)
The example demonstrates how to call the balanceOf
method on a contract.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create transport.
t, err := transport.NewHTTP(transport.HTTPOptions{URL: ""})
if err != nil {
// Create a JSON-RPC client.
c, err := rpc.NewClient(rpc.WithTransport(t))
if err != nil {
// Parse method signature.
balanceOf := abi.MustParseMethod("balanceOf(address)(uint256)")
// Prepare a calldata.
calldata := balanceOf.MustEncodeArgs("0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045")
// Prepare a call.
call := types.NewCall().
// Call balanceOf.
b, _, err := c.Call(context.Background(), call, types.LatestBlockNumber)
if err != nil {
// Decode the result.
var balance *big.Int
balanceOf.MustDecodeValues(b, &balance)
// Print the result.
fmt.Printf("Balance: %s\n", balance.String())
Following example shows how to call a contract method using a Human-Readable ABI. It uses popular Multicall3 contract as an example.
package main
import (
type Call3 struct {
Target types.Address `abi:"target"`
AllowFailure bool `abi:"allowFailure"`
CallData []byte `abi:"callData"`
type Result struct {
Success bool `abi:"success"`
ReturnData []byte `abi:"returnData"`
func main() {
// Create transport.
t, err := transport.NewHTTP(transport.HTTPOptions{URL: ""})
if err != nil {
// Create a JSON-RPC client.
c, err := rpc.NewClient(rpc.WithTransport(t))
if err != nil {
// Parse contract ABI.
multicall := abi.MustParseSignatures(
"struct Call { address target; bytes callData; }",
"struct Call3 { address target; bool allowFailure; bytes callData; }",
"struct Call3Value { address target; bool allowFailure; uint256 value; bytes callData; }",
"struct Result { bool success; bytes returnData; }",
"function aggregate(Call[] calldata calls) public payable returns (uint256 blockNumber, bytes[] memory returnData)",
"function aggregate3(Call3[] calldata calls) public payable returns (Result[] memory returnData)",
"function aggregate3Value(Call3Value[] calldata calls) public payable returns (Result[] memory returnData)",
"function blockAndAggregate(Call[] calldata calls) public payable returns (uint256 blockNumber, bytes32 blockHash, Result[] memory returnData)",
"function getBasefee() view returns (uint256 basefee)",
"function getBlockHash(uint256 blockNumber) view returns (bytes32 blockHash)",
"function getBlockNumber() view returns (uint256 blockNumber)",
"function getChainId() view returns (uint256 chainid)",
"function getCurrentBlockCoinbase() view returns (address coinbase)",
"function getCurrentBlockDifficulty() view returns (uint256 difficulty)",
"function getCurrentBlockGasLimit() view returns (uint256 gaslimit)",
"function getCurrentBlockTimestamp() view returns (uint256 timestamp)",
"function getEthBalance(address addr) view returns (uint256 balance)",
"function getLastBlockHash() view returns (bytes32 blockHash)",
"function tryAggregate(bool requireSuccess, Call[] calldata calls) public payable returns (Result[] memory returnData)",
"function tryBlockAndAggregate(bool requireSuccess, Call[] calldata calls) public payable returns (uint256 blockNumber, bytes32 blockHash, Result[] memory returnData)",
// Prepare a calldata.
// In this example we will call the `getCurrentBlockGasLimit` and `getCurrentBlockTimestamp` methods
// on the Multicall3 contract.
calldata := multicall.Methods["aggregate3"].MustEncodeArgs([]Call3{
Target: types.MustAddressFromHex("0xcA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11"),
CallData: multicall.Methods["getCurrentBlockGasLimit"].MustEncodeArgs(),
Target: types.MustAddressFromHex("0xcA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11"),
CallData: multicall.Methods["getCurrentBlockTimestamp"].MustEncodeArgs(),
// Prepare a call.
call := types.NewCall().
// Call the contract.
b, _, err := c.Call(context.Background(), call, types.LatestBlockNumber)
if err != nil {
// Decode the result.
var (
results []Result
gasLimit uint64
timestamp uint64
multicall.Methods["aggregate3"].MustDecodeValues(b, &results)
multicall.Methods["getCurrentBlockGasLimit"].MustDecodeValues(results[0].ReturnData, &gasLimit)
multicall.Methods["getCurrentBlockTimestamp"].MustDecodeValues(results[1].ReturnData, ×tamp)
// Print the result.
fmt.Println("Gas limit:", gasLimit)
fmt.Println("Timestamp:", timestamp)
The following example demonstrates how to execute an ERC20 token transfer transaction. Additionally, it illustrates the use of TX modifiers to simplify the transaction creation process.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Load the private key.
key, err := wallet.NewKeyFromJSON("./key.json", "test123")
if err != nil {
// Create transport.
t, err := transport.NewHTTP(transport.HTTPOptions{URL: ""})
if err != nil {
// Create a JSON-RPC client.
c, err := rpc.NewClient(
// Transport is always required.
// Specify a key for signing transactions. If provided, the client
// uses it with SignTransaction, SendTransaction, and Sign methods
// instead of relying on the node for signing.
// Specify a default address for SendTransaction when the transaction
// does not have a 'From' field set.
// TX modifiers enable modifications to the transaction before signing
// and sending to the node. While not mandatory, without them, transaction
// parameters like gas limit, gas price, and nonce must be set manually.
// GasLimitEstimator automatically estimates the gas limit for the
// transaction.
Multiplier: 1.25,
// GasFeeEstimator automatically estimates the gas price for the
// transaction based on the current market conditions.
GasPriceMultiplier: 1.25,
PriorityFeePerGasMultiplier: 1.25,
// NonceProvider automatically sets the nonce for the transaction.
UsePendingBlock: false,
// ChainIDProvider automatically sets the chain ID for the transaction.
Replace: false,
Cache: true,
if err != nil {
// Parse method signature.
transfer := abi.MustParseMethod("transfer(address, uint256)(bool)")
// Prepare a calldata for transfer call.
calldata := transfer.MustEncodeArgs("0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045", new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(100), big.NewInt(1e6)))
// Prepare a transaction.
tx := types.NewTransaction().
txHash, _, err := c.SendTransaction(context.Background(), tx)
if err != nil {
// Print the transaction hash.
fmt.Printf("Transaction hash: %s\n", txHash.String())
Following example shows how to subscribe to WETH transfer events.
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx, ctxCancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt)
defer ctxCancel()
// Create transport.
t, err := transport.NewWebsocket(transport.WebsocketOptions{
Context: ctx,
URL: "wss://",
if err != nil {
// Create a JSON-RPC client.
c, err := rpc.NewClient(rpc.WithTransport(t))
if err != nil {
// Parse event signature.
transfer := abi.MustParseEvent("event Transfer(address indexed src, address indexed dst, uint256 wad)")
// Create a filter query.
query := types.NewFilterLogsQuery().
// Fetch logs for WETH transfer events.
logs, err := c.SubscribeLogs(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
// Decode and print events.
for log := range logs {
var (
src types.Address
dst types.Address
wad *big.Int
transfer.MustDecodeValues(log.Topics, log.Data, &src, &dst, &wad)
fmt.Printf("Transfer: %s -> %s: %s\n", src.String(), dst.String(), wad.String())
To connect to a node, it is necessary to choose a suitable transport method. The transport is responsible for executing
a low-level communication protocol with the node. The go-eth
package offers the following transport options:
Transport | Description | Subscriptions |
HTTP | Connects to a node using the HTTP protocol. | No |
WebSocket | Connects to a node using the WebSocket protocol. | Yes |
IPC | Connects to a node using the IPC protocol. | Yes |
Retry | Wraps a transport and retries requests in case of an error. | Yes2 |
Combined | Wraps two transports and uses one for methods and the other for subscriptions.1 | Yes |
- It is recommended by some RPC providers to use HTTP for methods and WebSocket for subscriptions.
- Only if the underlying transport supports subscriptions.
Transports can be created using the transport.New*
functions. It is also possible to create custom transport by
implementing the transport.Transport
interface or transport.SubscriptionTransport
The go-eth
package provides support for the following wallet types:
Description | Example |
A random key | key := wallet.NewRandomKey() |
Private key | key, err := wallet.NewKeyFromBytes(privateKey) |
JSON key file1 | key, err := wallet.NewKeyFromJSON(path, password) |
JSON key content1 | key, err := wallet.NewKeyFromJSONContent(jsonContent, password) |
Mnemonic | key, err := wallet.NewKeyFromMnemonic(mnemonic, password, account, index) |
Remote RPC | key := wallet.NewKeyRPC(client, address) |
- Only V3 JSON keys are supported.
Wallets can be also created using custom derivation paths. For example, the following code creates a wallet using the
derivation path:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Parse mnemonic.
mnemonic, err := wallet.NewMnemonic("gravity trophy shrimp suspect sheriff avocado label trust dove tragic pitch title network myself spell task protect smooth sword diary brain blossom under bulb", "")
if err != nil {
// Parse derivation path.
path, err := wallet.ParseDerivationPath("m/44'/60'/0'/10/10")
if err != nil {
// Derive private key.
key, err := mnemonic.Derive(path)
if err != nil {
// Print the address of the derived private key.
fmt.Println("Private key:", key.Address().String())
The go-eth
package offers an ABI encoder and decoder for working with ABI data. The package also includes a signature
parser for parsing method, event, and error signatures, as well as custom types and structs.
The following example shows how to encode and decode data:
package main
import (
// Data is a struct that represents the data we want to encode and decode.
type Data struct {
IntValue int `abi:"intVal"`
BoolValue bool `abi:"boolVal"`
StringValue string `abi:"stringVal"`
func main() {
// Parse ABI type:
dataABI := abi.MustParseStruct(`struct Data { int256 intVal; bool boolVal; string stringVal; }`)
// Encode data:
encodedData := abi.MustEncodeValue(dataABI, Data{
IntValue: 42,
BoolValue: true,
StringValue: "Hello, world!",
// Print encoded data:
fmt.Printf("Encoded data: %s\n", hexutil.BytesToHex(encodedData))
// Decode data:
var decodedData Data
abi.MustDecodeValue(dataABI, encodedData, &decodedData)
// Print decoded data:
fmt.Printf("Decoded data: %+v\n", decodedData)
In the example above, data is encoded and decoded using a struct. The abi
tags map the struct fields to the
corresponding tuple or struct fields. These tags are optional. If absent, fields are mapped by name, with the first
consecutive uppercase letters converted to lowercase.
It is also possible to encode and decode values to a separate variables:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Parse ABI type:
dataABI := abi.MustParseStruct(`struct Data { int256 intVal; bool boolVal; string stringVal; }`)
// Encode data:
encodedData := abi.MustEncodeValues(dataABI, 42, true, "Hello, world!")
// Print encoded data:
fmt.Printf("Encoded data: %s\n", hexutil.BytesToHex(encodedData))
// Decode data:
var (
intVal int
boolVal bool
stringVal string
abi.MustDecodeValues(dataABI, encodedData, &intVal, &boolVal, &stringVal)
// Print decoded data:
fmt.Printf("Decoded data: %d, %t, %s\n", intVal, boolVal, stringVal)
Note that in both examples above, similarly named functions are used to encode and decode data. The only difference is
that the second example uses the plural form of the function. The plural form is used to encode and decode data from
separate variables, while the singular form is used for structs or maps. This is a common pattern in the go-eth
Finally, instead of using signature parser, it is possible to create types manually which may be useful to create custom types programmatically:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create ABI type:
dataABI := abi.NewTupleType(
Name: "intVal",
Type: abi.NewIntType(256),
Name: "boolVal",
Type: abi.NewBoolType(),
Name: "stringVal",
Type: abi.NewStringType(),
// Encode data:
encodedData := abi.MustEncodeValues(dataABI, 42, true, "Hello, world!")
// Print encoded data:
fmt.Printf("Encoded data: %s\n", hexutil.BytesToHex(encodedData))
// Decode data:
var (
intVal int
boolVal bool
stringVal string
abi.MustDecodeValues(dataABI, encodedData, &intVal, &boolVal, &stringVal)
// Print decoded data:
fmt.Printf("Decoded data: %d, %t, %s\n", intVal, boolVal, stringVal)
When mapping between Go and Solidity types, the following rules apply:
Go type \ Solidity type | intX |
uintX |
bool |
string |
bytes |
bytesX |
address |
intX |
âś“1 | âś“1,2 | âś— | âś— | âś— | âś“3,6 | âś— |
uintX |
âś“1,2 | âś“1 | âś— | âś— | âś— | âś“3,6 | âś— |
bool |
âś— | âś— | âś“ | âś— | âś— | âś— | âś— |
string |
âś“5 | âś“5,6 | âś— | âś“ | âś“7 | âś“7,8 | âś“7,9 |
[]byte |
âś— | âś— | âś— | âś“ | âś“ | âś“8 | âś“9 |
[X]byte |
âś— | âś— | âś— | âś— | âś— | âś“8 | âś“9 |
big.Int |
âś“1 | âś“1,2 | âś— | âś— | âś— | âś“3,6 | âś— |
types.Address |
âś— | âś— | âś— | âś— | âś“ | âś“4 | âś“ |
types.Hash |
âś— | âś— | âś— | âś— | âś“ | âś“3 | âś— |
types.Bytes |
âś— | âś— | âś— | âś“ | âś“ | âś“8 | âś“9 |
types.Number |
âś“1 | âś“1,2 | âś— | âś— | âś— | âś“3,6 | âś— |
types.BlockNumber |
âś“1,10 | âś“1,2,10 | âś— | âś— | âś— | âś“3,10 | âś— |
- âś“ - Supported
- âś— - Not supported
- Destination type must be able to hold the value of the source type. Otherwise, the mapping will result in an error.
For example,
can be mapped touint8
, but only if the value is less than 256. - Mapping of negative values is supported only if both types support negative values.
- Only mapping from/to
is supported. - Only mapping from/to
is supported. - String representation of the number is assumed to be in hexadecimal format. When string is used as a source value, the "0x" prefix is optional. Negative values are prefixed with a minus sign, e.g. "-0x123".
- Negative values are not supported.
- String representation is assumed to be in hexadecimal format.
- When mapping to
, length of the data must the same as the length of the destination type. - When mapping to
, length of the data must be 20 bytes. - Mapping latest, earliest and pending block numbers is not supported.
Note: Go type [X]byte
represents a fixed-size byte array, such as [20]byte
. Solidity types intX
, uintX
and bytesX
are also fixed-size types, such as, uint32
The general rule for mapping types is that the destination type must be capable of holding the value of the source type,
the conversion must be unambiguous, and the mapping must be reversible. Mapping from larger to smaller types is
supported because often Solidity contracts use uint256
for all numbers, even when the value is known to be much less
than 256 bits.
To work with methods, the abi.Method
structure needs to be created. Methods may be created using different methods:
- creates a new method by parsing a method signature.abi.NewMethod(name, inputs, outputs, mutability)
- creates a new method using provided arguments.- Using the
struct (see Contract ABI section).
To encode method arguments, the abi.Method.EncodeArg
or abi.Method.EncodeArgs
functions can be used. The first
function encodes a struct, the second function encodes consecutive variables.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Parse method signature.
transfer := abi.MustParseMethod("transfer(address, uint256) returns (bool)")
// Encode method arguments.
abiData, err := transfer.EncodeArgs(
if err != nil {
// Print encoded data.
fmt.Printf("Encoded data: %s\n", hexutil.BytesToHex(abiData))
To decode method arguments, the abi.Method.DecodeArg
or abi.Method.DecodeArgs
functions can be used. The first
function decodes returned values to a struct, the second function decodes returned values to consecutive variables.
package main
import (
func main() {
abiData := hexutil.MustHexToBytes("0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002b5e3af16b1880000")
// Parse method signature.
balanceOf := abi.MustParseMethod("balanceOf(address) returns (uint256)")
// Encode method arguments.
var balance big.Int
err := balanceOf.DecodeValues(abiData, &balance)
if err != nil {
// Prints decoded data.
fmt.Printf("Balance: %s\n", balance.String())
To decode contract events, the abi.Event
structure needs to be created. Events may be created using different methods:
- creates a new event by parsing an event signature.abi.NewEvent(name, inputs)
- creates a new event using provided arguments.- Using the
struct (see Contract ABI section).
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create transport.
t, err := transport.NewHTTP(transport.HTTPOptions{URL: ""})
if err != nil {
// Create a JSON-RPC client.
c, err := rpc.NewClient(rpc.WithTransport(t))
if err != nil {
transfer := abi.MustParseEvent("Transfer(address indexed src, address indexed dst, uint256 wad)")
// Create filter query.
query := types.NewFilterLogsQuery().
// Fetch logs for WETH transfer events.
logs, err := c.GetLogs(context.Background(), query)
if err != nil {
// Decode and print events.
for _, log := range logs {
var src, dst types.Address
var wad *big.Int
transfer.MustDecodeValues(log.Topics, log.Data, &src, &dst, &wad)
fmt.Printf("Transfer: %s -> %s: %s\n", src.String(), dst.String(), wad.String())
The abi.Contract
structure is a utility that provides an interface to a contract. It can be created using a JSON-ABI
file or by supplying a list of signatures (also known as a Human-Readable ABI).
To create a contract struct, the following methods may be used:
- creates a new contract by loading a JSON-ABI file.abi.ParseJSON
- creates a new contract by parsing a JSON-ABI string.abi.ParseSignatures
- creates a new contract by parsing a list of signatures ( Human-Readable ABI).
package main
import (
func main() {
erc20, err := abi.LoadJSON("erc20.json")
if err != nil {
transfer := erc20.Methods["transfer"]
calldata, err := transfer.EncodeArgs(
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Transfer calldata: 0x%x\n", calldata)
package main
import (
func main() {
erc20, err := abi.ParseSignatures(
"function name() public view returns (string)",
"function symbol() public view returns (string)",
"function decimals() public view returns (uint8)",
"function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256)",
"function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance)",
"function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success)",
"function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success)",
"function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success)",
"function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining)",
"event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value)",
"event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value)",
if err != nil {
transfer := erc20.Methods["transfer"]
calldata, err := transfer.EncodeArgs(
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Transfer calldata: 0x%x\n", calldata)
To decode custom contract errors, first a abi.Error
struct must be created. Errors may be created using different
- creates a new error by parsing an error signature.abi.NewError(name, inputs)
- creates a new error using provided arguments.- Using the
struct (see Contract ABI section).
Custom errors may be decoded from errors returned by the Call
function using the abi.Error.HandleError
When using a abi.Contract
, errors may be decoded from call errors using the abi.Contract.HandleError
method. This
method will try to decode the error using all errors defined in the contract, also including reverts and panics.
Reverts are special errors returned by the EVM when a contract call fails. Reverts are ABI-encoded errors with
the Error(string)
signature. The abi.DecodeRevert
function can be used to decode reverts. Optionally, the abi
package provides abi.Revert
, a predefined error type that can be used to decode reverts.
To verify if an error is a revert, use the abi.IsRevert
Similar to reverts, panics are special errors returned by the EVM when a contract call fails. Panics are ABI-encoded
errors with the Panic(uint256)
signature. The abi.DecodePanic
function can be used to decode panics. Optionally, the
package also provides abi.Panic
, a predefined error type that can be used to decode panics.
To verify if an error is a panic, use the abi.IsPanic
The parser is based on Solidity grammar, but it allows for the omission of argument names, as well as the returns
and function
keywords. This means it can parse full Solidity signatures as well as short signatures, such
as bar(uint256,bytes32)
. Tuples are represented as a list of parameters, for example, (uint256,bytes32)
. The list
can be optionally prefixed with the tuple
keyword, for example, tuple(uint256,bytes32)
Examples of signatures that are accepted by the parser:
getPrice(string symbol) returns ((uint256 price, unit256 timestamp) result)
function getPrice(string calldata symbol) external view returns (tuple(uint256 price, uint256 timestamp) result)
event PriceUpated(string indexed symbol, uint256 price)
error PriceExpired(string symbol, uint256 timestamp)
The go-eth
package allows for the creation of custom types that can be used with the ABI encoder and decoder and with
the signature parser.
The simplest way to create a custom type is to use the abi.ParseType
, abi.ParseStruct
, abi.MustParseType
functions, which parses a type signature and returns a Type
struct. This method can be used to
create custom types for commonly used structs.
package main
import (
type Point struct {
X int
Y int
func main() {
// Add custom type.
abi.Default.Types["Point"] = abi.MustParseStruct("struct {int256 x; int256 y;}")
// Generate calldata.
addTriangle := abi.MustParseMethod("addTriangle(Point a, Point b, Point c)")
calldata := addTriangle.MustEncodeArgs(
Point{X: 1, Y: 2},
Point{X: 3, Y: 4},
Point{X: 5, Y: 6},
// Print the calldata.
fmt.Printf("Calldata: %s\n", hexutil.BytesToHex(calldata))
More complex types can be created by implementing the abi.Type
and abi.Value
interfaces. The abi.Type
provides basic information about the type, while the abi.Value
interface includes methods for encoding and decoding
values and holds the value itself. Optionally, the abi.MapTo
and abi.MapFrom
methods can be implemented to support
advanced mapping logic.
The example below demonstrates how to create a custom type that represents a 32-byte boolean array stored in a
single bytes32
package main
import (
// BoolFlagsType is a custom type that represents a 256-bit bitfield.
// It must implement the abi.Type interface.
type BoolFlagsType struct{}
// IsDynamic returns true if the type is dynamic-length, like string or bytes.
func (b BoolFlagsType) IsDynamic() bool {
return false
// CanonicalType is the type as it would appear in the ABI.
// It must only use the types defined in the ABI specification:
func (b BoolFlagsType) CanonicalType() string {
return "bytes32"
// String returns the custom type name.
func (b BoolFlagsType) String() string {
return "BoolFlags"
// Value returns the zero value for this type.
func (b BoolFlagsType) Value() abi.Value {
return &BoolFlagsValue{}
// BoolFlagsValue is the value of the custom type.
// It must implement the abi.Value interface.
type BoolFlagsValue [256]bool
// IsDynamic returns true if the type is dynamic-length, like string or bytes.
func (b BoolFlagsValue) IsDynamic() bool {
return false
// EncodeABI encodes the value to the ABI format.
func (b BoolFlagsValue) EncodeABI() (abi.Words, error) {
var w abi.Word
for i, v := range b {
if v {
w[i/8] |= 1 << uint(i%8)
return abi.Words{w}, nil
// DecodeABI decodes the value from the ABI format.
func (b *BoolFlagsValue) DecodeABI(words abi.Words) (int, error) {
if len(words) == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("abi: cannot decode BytesFlags from empty data")
for i, v := range words[0] {
for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {
b[i*8+j] = v&(1<<uint(j)) != 0
return 1, nil
// MapFrom and MapTo are optional methods that allow mapping between different
// types.
// The abi.Mapper is the instance of the internal mapper that is used to
// perform the mapping. It can be used to map nested types.
// MapFrom maps value from a different type.
func (b *BoolFlagsValue) MapFrom(_ abi.Mapper, src any) error {
switch src := src.(type) {
case [256]bool:
*b = src
case []bool:
if len(src) > 256 {
return fmt.Errorf("abi: cannot map []bool of length %d to BytesFlags", len(src))
for i, v := range src {
b[i] = v
return nil
// MapTo maps value to a different type.
func (b *BoolFlagsValue) MapTo(_ abi.Mapper, dst any) error {
switch dst := dst.(type) {
case *[256]bool:
*dst = *b
case *[]bool:
*dst = make([]bool, 256)
for i, v := range b {
(*dst)[i] = v
return nil
func main() {
// Add custom type.
abi.Default.Types["BoolFlags"] = &BoolFlagsType{}
// Generate calldata.
setFlags := abi.MustParseMethod("setFlags(BoolFlags flags)")
calldata, _ := setFlags.EncodeArgs(
[]bool{true, false, true, true, false, true, false, true},
// Print the calldata.
fmt.Printf("Calldata: %s\n", hexutil.BytesToHex(calldata))
Please note that adding a custom type to the abi.Default.Types
map will affect all instances of the abi
package in
the current process. If you want to add a custom type to a single abi
instance, you can create a new instance using
the abi.NewABI
You may be also find the following tools interesting:
- go-rlp - RLP serialization/deserialization library.
- go-sigparser - Solidity-compatible signature parser.
- go-anymapper - Data mapper used by this package.