This component is an adapter that can handle hierarchical data (e.g. comments) in a RecyclerView
, so that the user can collapse and expand elements inside the hierarchy.
Here's a video of the SampleApp demo
There are three ways to import the library. The easiest way is this:
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Add these two lines to your
fileinclude ':multilevelexpindlistview'
project(':multilevelexpindlistview').projectDir = new File('<path-to-cloned-repo>/MultiLevelExpandableIndentableListView/multilevelexpindlistview')
An alternative way is this :
Clone the repository
$ git clone
In Android Studio open the Module Settings (press F4)
Click on the top left green cross to add a new module
Select "Import Existing Project"
As Source Directory select the directory where you cloned the repository
The module :multilevelexpindlistview contains the library so you have to import this. The module :sampleapp is optional and it's a simple example of how to use the library.
Click Finish
Now in the Modules listing you see a new library module multilevelexpindlistview (and a project module sampleapp if you decided to import that too). In the Modules listing select your project module (usually is called app) and click on Dependencies.
Click on the top right green cross and select Module dependency
Select :multilevelexpindlistview
If you just want to import the aar file:
Clone the repository
$ git clone
cd to the direcotry created
$ cd MultiLevelExpandableIndentableListView/
Set a variable with the path to the Android SDK
$ export ANDROID_HOME=<path-to-andoid-sdk>
Build the project
$ ./gradlew build
This will make multilevelexpindlistview-release.aar in
In Android Studio open the Module Settings (press F4)
Click on the top left green arrow to add an new module
Select "Import .JAR or .AAR Package" and select the .aar file from step 4
Now in the Modules listing you see a new module multilevelexpindlistview. In the Modules listing select your project module (usually is called app) and click on Dependencies.
Click on the top right green cross and select Module dependency
Select :multilevelexpindlistview
You should extend the abstract class MultiLevelExpIndListAdapter
in sampleapp
for an example) and then associate your adapter with a RecyclerViw
The data that you pass to your MultiLevelExpIndListAdapter
should implement the interface MultiLevelExpIndListAdapter.ExpIndData
in sampleapp
for an example).