Read and duplicate a .proto
file and allow to modify the original with special pre/postfixes and removing/adding optional to all fields.
$ go get
$ go install
$ proto-dup -h
Usage of proto-dup:
add optional to all applicable fields
-go_package string
set a new go_package name
-out string
output of duplicate .proto file
-package string
set a new package name
-postfix string
add a postfix to all message and enum types
-prefix string
add a prefix to all message and enum types
remove optional from all applicable fields
$ proto-dup --package wellhellothere --prefix Hello --postfix World --add-optional $GOPATH/src/
syntax = "proto3";
package wellhellothere;
option go_package = ";proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message HelloMessageWorld {
optional string name = 1;
optional int64 birthDay = 2;
optional string phone = 3;
optional int32 siblings = 4;
optional bool spouse = 5;
optional double money = 6;
optional HelloTypeWorld type = 7;
optional HelloAddressWorld addresss = 8;
optional google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 9;
oneof values {
string value_s = 10;
int32 value_i = 11;
double value_d = 12;
message HelloAddressWorld {
optional string street = 1;
optional int32 number = 2;
optional int32 post_code = 3;
optional int32 floor = 4;
optional bool use_for_billing = 5;
enum HelloTypeWorld {
TYPE_R = 1;
TYPE_S = 2;