Fast Python implementation of Archetypal Analysis using Principle Convex Hull Analysis (PCHA).
From the source article [1]:
"Archetypal analysis (AA) proposed by Cutler and Breiman (1994) [2] estimates the principal convex hull (PCH) of a data set. As such AA favors features that constitute representative ‘corners’ of the data, i.e., distinct aspects or archetypes."
All code contained in this package was originally written in Matlab. The Matlab package is available here. Matlab package also handles sparse- and kernel matrices.
Matlab implementation by: Morten Mørup Python implementation by: Ulf Aslak
Install with pip or easy_install
$ pip install py_pcha
# or
$ easy_install py_pcha
import numpy as np
from py_pcha import PCHA
dimensions = 15
examples = 100
X = np.random.random((dimensions, examples))
XC, S, C, SSE, varexpl = PCHA(X, noc=3, delta=0.1)
print " # Arc 1 # Arc 2 # Arc 3\n", XC
# Arc 1 # Arc 2 # Arc 3
[[ 0.32588061 0.3940908 0.71705364]
[ 0.69790165 0.50729565 0.34076419]
[ 0.79184963 0.43616783 0.22377323]
[ 0.36865992 0.51199461 0.68595464]
[ 0.55887694 0.46533484 0.54946409]
[ 0.29774011 0.90728239 0.26895903]
[ 0.33116078 0.87118458 0.26744578]
[ 0.65678325 0.3104401 0.56770064]
[ 0.37132093 0.32720999 0.76015795]
[ 0.31707091 0.44002078 0.81080826]
[ 0.87002607 0.24002814 0.40317367]
[ 0.33147574 0.48692694 0.72084014]
[ 0.2591176 0.81004636 0.34852488]
[ 0.79427686 0.49692525 0.28712657]
[ 0.39198509 0.50703908 0.67609915]]
Notice: PCHA takes a 2D-array of shape (dimensions, examples). The same shape applies to any output from the function.
Therefore, the archetypes contained in returned matrix XC
will be the column vectors.