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A client library that talks to the Dapi API.


Configure Project

  1. First install the library from maven and add it to your project.
  1. Import Dapi's library in your code.
import co.dapi.*;
import co.dapi.types.*;
import co.dapi.response.*;

Configure Library

  1. Create a Dapi app with your App Secret
class MainTestClass {
    private DapiApp myApp;

    public MainTestClass() {
        var myAppConfig = new Config("YOUR_APP_SECRET");
        myApp = new DapiApp(myAppConfig);
  1. Now you can use any of the functions of the DapiApp instance, myApp, to call Dapi with your appSecret.
class MainTestClass {
    public void TestFunc() {
        try {
            var resp = myApp.getAccounts("YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN", "YOUR_USER_SECRET");
            // do something with the resp
        } catch (Exception e) {
  1. Or, you can use it inside your endpoint. Our code will basically update the request to add your app's appSecret to it, and forward the request to Dapi, then return the result.
class MainTestClass {
    public void HandlerFunc(String requestBodyJson, HashMap<String, String> requestHeaders) {
        Response resp = null;
        try {
            resp = myApp.handleSDKRequest(requestBodyJson, requestHeaders);
            //resp = myApp.handleSDKRequest(requestBodyJson); // or with no headers
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // do something with the resp

Complete Example

You need to replace the placeholders in this code snippet(appSecret, accessToken, userSecret) with your own values, and to handle the response got.

import co.dapi.*;
import co.dapi.types.*;
import co.dapi.response.*;
import okhttp3.Response;

import java.util.HashMap;

public class MainTestClass {
    private DapiApp myApp;

    public MainTestClass() {
        var myAppConfig = new Config("YOUR_APP_SECRET");
        myApp = new DapiApp(myAppConfig);

    public void TestFunc() {
        try {
            var resp = myApp.getAccounts("YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN", "YOUR_USER_SECRET");
            // do something with the resp
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void HandlerFunc(String requestBodyJson, HashMap<String, String> requestHeaders) {
        Response resp = null;
        try {
            resp = myApp.handleSDKRequest(requestBodyJson, requestHeaders);
            //resp = myApp.handleSDKRequest(requestBodyJson); // or with no headers
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // do something with the resp

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var test = new MainTestClass();



All the responses extend BaseResponse class. Meaning all the responses described below in the document will have following fields besides the ones specific to each response

Parameter Type Description
operationID String Unique ID generated to identify a specific operation.
success Boolean Returns true if request is successful and false otherwise."
status APIStatus (Enum) The status of the job.

done - Operation Completed.
failed - Operation Failed.
user_input_required - Pending User Input.
initialized - Operation In Progress.

For further explanation see Operation Statuses.
userInputs UserInput[] Specifies the type of further information required from the user before the job can be completed.

Note: It's only returned if operation status is user_input_required
type String Type of error encountered.

Note: It's only returned if operation status is failed
msg String Detailed description of the error.

Note: It's only returned if operation status is failed

UserInput Object

Parameter Type Description
id UserInputID (Enum) Type of input required.

You can read more about user input types on User Input Types.
query String Textual description of what is required from the user side.
index int Is used in case more than one user input is requested.
Will always be 0 If only one input is requested.
answer String User input that must be submitted. In the response it will always be empty.



Method is used to obtain user's permanent access token by exchanging it with access code received during the user authentication (user login).


You can read more about how to obtain a permanent token on Obtain an Access Token.

Method Description
public ExchangeTokenResponse exchangeToken(String accessCode, String connectionID) throws IOException
Input Parameters
Parameter Type Description
String Unique code for a user’s successful login to Connect. Returned in the response of UserLogin.
String The connectionID from a user’s successful log in to Connect.

In addition to the fields described in the BaseResponse, it has the following fields, which will only be returned if the status is done:

Parameter Type Description
accessToken String A unique permanent token linked to the user.


Method is used to retrieve personal details about the user.

Method Description
public GetIdentityResponse getIdentity(String accessToken, String userSecret) throws IOException

public GetIdentityResponse getIdentity(String accessToken, String userSecret, String operationID, UserInput[] userInputs) throws IOException
Input Parameters
Parameter Type Description
String Access Token obtained using the exchangeToken method.
String The userSecret from a user’s successful log in to Connect.
String The operationID from a previous call's response.
Required only when resuming a previous call that responded with user_input_required status, to provided user inputs.
UserInput[] Array of UserInput object, that are needed to complete this operation.
Required only if a previous call responded with user_input_required status.

You can read more about user inputs specification on Specify User Input
UserInput Object
Parameter Type Description
id UserInputID (Enum) Type of input required.

You can read more about user input types on User Input Types.
index int Is used in case more than one user input is requested.
Will always be 0 If only one input is requested.
answer String User input that must be submitted.

In addition to the fields described in the BaseResponse, it has the following fields, which will only be returned if the status is done:

Parameter Type Description
identity Identity An object containing the identity data of the user.


Method is used to retrieve list of all the bank accounts registered on the user. The list will contain all types of bank accounts.

Method Description
public GetAccountsResponse getAccounts(String accessToken, String userSecret) throws IOException

public GetAccountsResponse getAccounts(String accessToken, String userSecret, String operationID, UserInput[] userInputs) throws IOException
Input Parameters
Parameter Type Description
String Access Token obtained using the exchangeToken method.
String The userSecret from a user’s successful log in to Connect.
String The operationID from a previous call's response.
Required only when resuming a previous call that responded with user_input_required status, to provided user inputs.
UserInput[] Array of UserInput object, that are needed to complete this operation.
Required only if a previous call responded with user_input_required status.

You can read more about user inputs specification on Specify User Input
UserInput Object
Parameter Type Description
id UserInputID (Enum) Type of input required.

You can read more about user input types on User Input Types.
index int Is used in case more than one user input is requested.
Will always be 0 If only one input is requested.
answer String User input that must be submitted.

In addition to the fields described in the BaseResponse, it has the following fields, which will only be returned if the status is done:

Parameter Type Description
accounts Account[] An array containing the accounts data of the user.


Method is used to retrieve balance on specific bank account of the user.

Method Description
public GetBalanceResponse getBalance(String accountID, String accessToken, String userSecret) throws IOException

public GetBalanceResponse getBalance(String accountID, String accessToken, String userSecret, String operationID, UserInput[] userInputs) throws IOException
Input Parameters
Parameter Type Description
String The bank account ID which its balance is requested.
Retrieved from one of the accounts returned from the getAccounts method.
String Access Token obtained using the exchangeToken method.
String The userSecret from a user’s successful log in to Connect.
String The operationID from a previous call's response.
Required only when resuming a previous call that responded with user_input_required status, to provided user inputs.
UserInput[] Array of UserInput object, that are needed to complete this operation.
Required only if a previous call responded with user_input_required status.

You can read more about user inputs specification on Specify User Input
UserInput Object
Parameter Type Description
id UserInputID (Enum) Type of input required.

You can read more about user input types on User Input Types.
index int Is used in case more than one user input is requested.
Will always be 0 If only one input is requested.
answer String User input that must be submitted.

In addition to the fields described in the BaseResponse, it has the following fields, which will only be valid if the status is done:

Parameter Type Description
balance Balance An object containing the account's balance information.


Method is used to retrieve transactions that user has performed over a specific period of time from their bank account. The transaction list is unfiltered, meaning the response will contain all the transactions performed by the user (not just the transactions performed using your app).

Date range of the transactions that can be retrieved varies for each bank. The range supported by the users bank is shown in the response parameter transactionRange of Get Accounts Metadata endpoint.

Method Description
public GetTransactionsResponse getTransactions(String accountID, LocalDate fromDate, LocalDate toDate, String accessToken, String userSecret) throws IOException

public GetTransactionsResponse getTransactions(String accountID, LocalDate fromDate, LocalDate toDate, String accessToken, String userSecret, String operationID, UserInput[] userInputs) throws IOException
Input Parameters
Parameter Type Description
String The bank account ID which its transactions are requested.
Retrieved from one of the accounts returned from the getAccounts method.
LocalDate The start date of the transactions wanted.
LocalDate The end date of the transactions wanted.
String Access Token obtained using the exchangeToken method.
String The userSecret from a user’s successful log in to Connect.
String The operationID from a previous call's response.
Required only when resuming a previous call that responded with user_input_required status, to provided user inputs.
UserInput[] Array of UserInput object, that are needed to complete this operation.
Required only if a previous call responded with user_input_required status.

You can read more about user inputs specification on Specify User Input
UserInput Object
Parameter Type Description
id UserInputID (Enum) Type of input required.

You can read more about user input types on User Input Types.
index int Is used in case more than one user input is requested.
Will always be 0 If only one input is requested.
answer String User input that must be submitted.

In addition to the fields described in the BaseResponse, it has the following fields, which will only be valid if the status is done:

Parameter Type Description
transactions Transaction[] Array containing the transactional data for the specified account within the specified period.


Method is used to retrieve list of all the beneficiaries already added for a user within a financial institution.

Method Description
public GetBeneficiariesResponse getBeneficiaries(String accessToken, String userSecret) throws IOException

public GetBeneficiariesResponse getBeneficiaries(String accessToken, String userSecret, String operationID, UserInput[] userInputs) throws IOException
Input Parameters
Parameter Type Description
String Access Token obtained using the exchangeToken method.
String The userSecret from a user’s successful log in to Connect.
String The operationID from a previous call's response.
Required only when resuming a previous call that responded with user_input_required status, to provided user inputs.
UserInput[] Array of UserInput object, that are needed to complete this operation.
Required only if a previous call responded with user_input_required status.

You can read more about user inputs specification on Specify User Input
UserInput Object
Parameter Type Description
id UserInputID (Enum) Type of input required.

You can read more about user input types on User Input Types.
index int Is used in case more than one user input is requested.
Will always be 0 If only one input is requested.
answer String User input that must be submitted.

In addition to the fields described in the BaseResponse, it has the following fields, which will only be returned if the status is done:

Parameter Type Description
beneficiaries Beneficiary[] An array containing the beneficiary information.


Method is used to retrieve list of all the beneficiaries already added for a user within a financial institution.

Method Description
public CreateBeneficiaryResponse createBeneficiary(Payment.BeneficiaryInfo beneficiary, String accessToken, String userSecret) throws IOException

public CreateBeneficiaryResponse createBeneficiary(Payment.BeneficiaryInfo beneficiary, String accessToken, String userSecret, String operationID, UserInput[] userInputs) throws IOException
Input Parameters
Parameter Type Description
Payment.BeneficiaryInfo An object that contains info about the beneficiary that should be added.
String Access Token obtained using the exchangeToken method.
String The userSecret from a user’s successful log in to Connect.
String The operationID from a previous call's response.
Required only when resuming a previous call that responded with user_input_required status, to provided user inputs.
UserInput[] Array of UserInput object, that are needed to complete this operation.
Required only if a previous call responded with user_input_required status.

You can read more about user inputs specification on Specify User Input
UserInput Object
Parameter Type Description
id UserInputID (Enum) Type of input required.

You can read more about user input types on User Input Types.
index int Is used in case more than one user input is requested.
Will always be 0 If only one input is requested.
answer String User input that must be submitted.

Method returns only the fields defined in the BaseResponse.


Method is used to initiate a new payment from one account to another account.


We suggest you use transferAutoflow method instead to initiate a payment. transferAutoflow abstracts all the validations and processing logic, required to initiate a transaction using createTransfer method.

You can read about transferAutoFlow further in the document.

Method Description
public CreateTransferResponse createTransfer(Payment.Transfer transfer, String accessToken, String userSecret) throws IOException

public CreateTransferResponse createTransfer(Payment.Transfer transfer, String accessToken, String userSecret, String operationID, UserInput[] userInputs) throws IOException
Input Parameters
Parameter Type Description
Payment.Transfer An object that contains info about the transfer that should be initiated.
String Access Token obtained using the exchangeToken method.
String The userSecret from a user’s successful log in to Connect.
String The operationID from a previous call's response.
Required only when resuming a previous call that responded with user_input_required status, to provided user inputs.
UserInput[] Array of UserInput object, that are needed to complete this operation.
Required only if a previous call responded with user_input_required status.

You can read more about user inputs specification on Specify User Input
UserInput Object
Parameter Type Description
id UserInputID (Enum) Type of input required.

You can read more about user input types on User Input Types.
index int Is used in case more than one user input is requested.
Will always be 0 If only one input is requested.
answer String User input that must be submitted.

In addition to the fields described in the BaseResponse, it has the following fields, which will only be returned if the status is done:

Parameter Type Description
reference String Transaction reference string returned by the bank.


Method is used to initiate a new payment from one account to another account, without having to care nor handle any special cases or scenarios.

Method Description
public TransferAutoflowResponse transferAutoflow(Payment.TransferAutoflow transferAutoflow, String accessToken, String userSecret) throws IOException

public TransferAutoflowResponse transferAutoflow(Payment.TransferAutoflow transferAutoflow, String accessToken, String userSecret, String operationID, UserInput[] userInputs) throws IOException
Input Parameters
Parameter Type Description
Payment.TransferAutoflow An object that contains info about the transfer that should be initiated, and any other details that's used to automate the operation.
String Access Token obtained using the exchangeToken method.
String The userSecret from a user’s successful log in to Connect.
String The operationID from a previous call's response.
Required only when resuming a previous call that responded with user_input_required status, to provided user inputs.
UserInput[] Array of UserInput object, that are needed to complete this operation.
Required only if a previous call responded with user_input_required status.

You can read more about user inputs specification on Specify User Input
UserInput Object
Parameter Type Description
id UserInputID (Enum) Type of input required.

You can read more about user input types on User Input Types.
index int Is used in case more than one user input is requested.
Will always be 0 If only one input is requested.
answer String User input that must be submitted.

In addition to the fields described in the BaseResponse, it has the following fields, which will only be returned if the status is done:

Parameter Type Description
reference String Transaction reference string returned by the bank.


Dapi Java API Library







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