Solution to display information about some of the most remarkable characters of the Starwars saga.
- Presentation: MVP.
- Domain
- Data
- [Done] Get a list of the characters from API.
- [Done] Show a list of characters sorted by default on name.
- [Done] Add one button that allows the user to change the sort method between:
- [Done] Character name.
- [Done] Character birth year.
- [Done] Add one button to each cell to mark characters as favourite.
- [ToDo] If you press the cell you have to show another view with the character detailed information:
- Films.
- Vehicles.
- Homeworld.
[Done] Your GUI interface should contain a text box to search characters by name or homeworld. Once the user stop typing, your list will be updated with users that matches with the search term.
[Done] Create another view, similar to the first one, to show users marked as favourite or add it as another filter in the main view.
[ToDo] Make it available offline! Use any of the existing solutions (SharedPreferences, Realm, SQLite, etc..) to do persistent storage and available to the user when there is no internet connection.
[Done] Use of some kind of version control, preferably Github. ! Be structured and clean!
Be creative!
[ToDO] Tests. Data, Domain and Presentation