Discover your 🔝 song and 🎤 artist with our music app! Connect your 🎧 Spotify account, and we'll show your most-played track. 💡 Stylish. Simple. Start listening! 🎶
TopBeat now offers the ability to create a Spotify playlist containing your liked songs, so you can share your favorite songs seamlessly.
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd topbeat
Install dependencies:
npm install
Add your Spotify Client ID:
Open src/components/LoginPage.js. Replace 'YOUR_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID' with your actual Spotify App Client ID.
Run the app:
npm start
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access TopBeat.
- React.js: Frontend UI library
- Spotify Web API: Fetching user's top tracks and artist information
- Material-UI: Icons for the iOS-style back button
- Local Storage: Caching the Spotify access token for future visits
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.