- Mobile apps using JavaScript and React
- Framework : react-native
- Library : react-native-firebase , react-navigation .
- Insert necessary information to SEND
- SEND Customer,Invoice,Company,Items Information , to Web Database server(firebase) use react-native-firebase .
- Create project(1) on Firebase
- Get google-services.json from project(1)
- Change google-services.json at \demoEInvoicingMobile\android\app
- CMD in root project : react-native run-android
- Done !
- Windows Form Apps using C#
- Packages : FireSharp.1.1.0 , FireSharp.Serialization.JsonNet.1.1.0 , Newtonsoft.Json.7.0.1 , sautinsoft.document. ,RestSharp.104.4.0
- GET Customer,Invoice,Company,Items Information from Web Database server(firebase) use FireSharp .
- Load Data to DataGridView
- Save data to Database use SQLSERVER
- Create PDF File to Print Invoice
- Run demoEInvoicing.sql to create Database
- Open visual studio 2015 and RUN !