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danboy edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 4 revisions

Tenplate SASS Usage

tenplate requires HAML/SASS 2.1 get it here

Remember, the main power of tenplate comes from using POSH html, so use the checklist at

1. Make sure you have HAML > 2.3 installed

2. Copy the tenplate sass files to your project

/home/you/your/project$ /path/to/tenplate/gem/bin/tenplate

3. Add tenplate to your HAML template file

All you need to do is add tenplate.css to your application. Check the example application.html.haml below. Begin example layout: !!! XML !!! Strict %html %head = stylesheet_link_tag ‘tenplate’ %body #grid = yield = javascript_include_tag :all End Example layout

4. Set your tenplate variables.

All that really matters is !line_height, !width and !page_padding public/stylesheets/tenplate.sass !font_color ||= #333 !base_font ||= “helvetica,arial,sans-serif” !headline_font ||= “Candara,Georgia,serif” !font_size ||= 1.4 !background_color ||= #FFF !page_color ||= #EEE !link_color ||= #C00 !line_height ||= 1.8 !width ||= 960 !page_padding ||= 2 !border_size ||= 0 !border_color ||= #333 !border_style ||= “none” !border_radius ||= .2 !tab_highlight = !page_color !tab_font = !link_color

5. Give your pages a layout.

.page = full page layout .main = golden ratio main column .rail = golden ratio side bar

6. Play around

Give all your div’s rounded corners in ff and safari Example: !border_radius ||= 1 div +rounded
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