- Daniel Arthur - 2086380a
- Lorenzo Roccato - 2265986r
- Jonathan Sumner - 2268242s
- Enrico Maria Trombetta - 2396702t
Do not push directly to the master branch! You may cause conflicts with someone elses work, or even break the project.
What should you do instead?
$ git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch]
$ git commit -m "Your message"
$ git push origin [name_of_your_branch]
This will create a new branch of the project (with your changes) which we can then merge with the master branch via GitHub after your code has been double-checked by another team member for any conflicts!
'''Check Working Branch git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD '''
# Setup repo and virtual environment
$ git clone https://github.com/denBot/WAD2-Group-Project.git
$ cd WAD2-Group-project
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
# Activate virtual environment
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat
# Configure and run django server
$ (venv) cd NootTech
# create a settings.json in ~/WAD2-Group-Project/NootTech/NootTech
$ (venv) cd NootTech
$ (venv) cp settings-example.json settings.json
$ (venv) vim settings.json # or any editor you like
# create a config.json in ~/WAD2-Group-Project/NootTech/frontend/src
$ (venv) cd .. # go back to ~/WAD2-Group-Project/NootTech/
$ (venv) cd frontend/src
$ (venv) cp config_example.json config.json
$ (venv) vim config.json # or any editor you like
# change settings.json
$ (venv) cd ../../
$ (venv) cp NootTech/settings{-example,}.json
$ (venv) vim NootTech/settings.json
# start django
$ (venv) python manage.py makemigrations
$ (venv) python manage.py migrate
# (venv) python populate.py # populate the database with error videos and mock-users
$ (venv) python manage.py createsuperuser
$ (venv) python manage.py collectstatic
$ (venv) python manage.py runserver
# By now the back-end will be running. If the front-end JS has been pre-built and you can see the website, you can stop here.
# If you get a blank page, you will need to build the front-end JavaScript:
# Start VueJS dev server or build it
$ (venv) cd frontend
$ (venv) npm install
$ (venv) npm run build
$ (venv) cd ..
$ (venv) python manage.py collectstatic
Visit localhost:8000
- Django Dependancies
- Django 1.11.18
- Django Rest Framework
- Django REST Framework - simplejwt
- Django Cors Headers
- Django Model Admin Reorder
- Django Webpack Loader
- Easy Thumbnails
- Easy Thumbnails FFMPEG
- hurry.filesize
- MailChecker
- MoviePy
- Pillow
- virustotal-api
- VueJS
- Vue FontAwesome
- Axios
- Bootstrap Vue
- highlight.js
- jwt-decode
- Video.js
- VueJS
- vue-color
- vue-github-api
- vue-notification
- vue-paginate
- vue-router
- vue-video-player
- vuex
- vue-password-strength-meter
- wavesurfer.js