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Getting started with a JITX Design

Select the green Use This Template button towards the top of this page and create a new repository. If you do not see this button, sign into GitHub.

Name your repository, select private or public, and select Create repository from template The repository will be created.

Select the green Code button and select the little clipboard icon to copy the repository source location

In a terminal window on your machine, clone your repository by typing git clone --recursive and paste in the location you copied. The command should look like this:

git clone --recursive [email protected]:<username>/<repository>.git .

Open VSCode and select File then Open Folder... and open the folder location of the repository. Setting this directory in VSCode allows features like Go-to definition and Autocomplete to work.

In VSCode, select Terminal then New Terminal

In the terminal window in VSCode, type:

jitx repl design-generator.stanza

Library Management

This repo will keep your library code in step with your design using git submodules. For managing the version of open-components-database (OCDB), you must update it manually using Git:

cd open-components-database
git checkout master
git pull

You can also add your own design libraries and link them in by editing the stanza.proj file to include them.

Additional Resources:


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