A package to identify matched molecular pairs and use them to predict property changes.
The package has been tested on both Python 2.7 and Python 3.6.
You will need a copy of the RDKit cheminformatics toolkit, available from http://rdkit.org/ . Apart from other standard scientific python libraries like scipy and numpy, this is the only required third-party dependency for normal operation, though several optional third-party packages may be used if available.
The matched molecular pairs are stored in a SQLite database. The APSW module from https://github.com/rogerbinns/apsw gives slightly better analysis performance than Python's built-in SQLite module.
The fragment file is in JSON Lines format (see http://jsonlines.org/ ). The ujson (https://github.com/esnme/ultrajson) and slightly slower cjson (https://github.com/AGProjects/python-cjson ) are both about 25% faster than Python 2.7's built-in 'json' module.
The "
" option in the index command requires the psutil module (see https://pypi.python.org/pypi/psutil/5.2.2 ) to get memory use information.
The package includes a command-line program named "mmpdb". This support many subcommands. For examples:
"mmpdb fragment
" -- fragment a SMILES file
"mmpdb index
" -- find matched molecular pairs in a fragment file
Use the "--help
" option to get more information about any of the
commands. For example, "mmpdb fragment --help
" will print the
command-line arguments, describe how they are used, and show
examples of use.
The subcommands starting with "help-" print additional information about a given topic. The next few sections are the output from
% mmpdb help-analysis
If you wish to experiment with a simple test set, use tests/test_data.smi, with molecular weight and melting point properties in tests/test_data.csv.
The overall process is:
Fragment structures in a SMILES file, to produce fragments.
Index the fragments to produces matched molecular pairs. (you might include property information at this point)
Load property information.
Find transforms for a given structure; and/or
Predict a property for a structure given the known property for another structure
Some terminology: A fragmentation cuts 1, 2, or 3 non-ring bonds to convert a structure into a "constant" part and a "variable" part. The substructure in the variable part is a single fragment, and often considered the R-groups, while the constant part contains one fragment for each cut, and it often considered as containing the core.
The matched molecular pair indexing process finds all pairs which have the same constant part, in order to define a transformation from one variable part to another variable part. A "rule" stores information about a transformation, including a list of all the pairs for that rule.
The "rule environment" extends the transformation to include information about the local environment of the attachment points on the constant part. The environment fingerprint is based on the RDKit circular fingerprints for the attachment points. There is one rule environment for each available radius. Larger radii correspond to more specific environments. The "rule environment statistics" table stores information about the distribution of property changes for all of the pairs which contain the given rule and environment, with one table for each property.
Use "smifrag
" to see how a given SMILES is fragmented. Use "fragment
to fragment all of the compounds in a SMILES file.
"mmpdb smifrag
" is a diagnostic tool to help understand how a given
SMILES will be fragmented and to experiment with the different
fragmentation options. For example:
% mmpdb smifrag 'c1ccccc1OC'
|------------- variable -------------| |--------------------- constant --------------------
#cuts | enum.label | #heavies | symm.class | smiles | order | #heavies | symm.class | smiles | with-H
1 | N | 2 | 1 | [*]OC | 0 | 6 | 1 | [*]c1ccccc1 | c1ccccc1
1 | N | 6 | 1 | [*]c1ccccc1 | 0 | 2 | 1 | [*]OC | CO
2 | N | 1 | 11 | [*]O[*] | 01 | 7 | 12 | [*]C.[*]c1ccccc1 | -
1 | N | 1 | 1 | [*]C | 0 | 7 | 1 | [*]Oc1ccccc1 | Oc1ccccc1
1 | N | 7 | 1 | [*]Oc1ccccc1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | [*]C | C
Use "mmpdb fragment
" to fragment a SMILES file and produce a fragment
file for the MMP analysis. Start with the test data file named
"test_data.smi" containing the following structures:
Oc1ccccc1 phenol
Oc1ccccc1O catechol
Oc1ccccc1N 2-aminophenol
Oc1ccccc1Cl 2-chlorophenol
Nc1ccccc1N o-phenylenediamine
Nc1cc(O)ccc1N amidol
Oc1cc(O)ccc1O hydroxyquinol
Nc1ccccc1 phenylamine
C1CCCC1N cyclopentanol
% mmpdb fragment test_data.smi -o test_data.fragments
Fragmentation can take a while. You can save time by asking the code to reuse fragmentations from a previous run. If you do that then the fragment command will reuse the old fragmentation parameters. (You cannot override them with command-line options.). Here is an example:
% mmpdb fragment data_file.smi -o new_data_file.fragments \
--cache old_data_file.fragments
The "--cache
" option will greatly improve the fragment performance when
there are only a few changes from the previous run.
The fragmentation algorithm is configured to ignore structures which
are too big or have too many rotatable bonds. There are also options
which change where to make cuts and the number of cuts to make. Use
the "--help
" option on each command for details.
Use "mmpdb help-smiles-format
" for details about to parse different
variants of the SMILES file format.
The "mmpa index
" command indexes the output fragments from "mmpa fragment
" by their variable fragments, that is, it finds
fragmentations with the same R-groups and puts them together. Here's
an example:
% mmpdb index test_data.fragments -o test_data.mmpdb
The output from this is a SQLite database.
If you have activity/property data and you do not want the database to include structures where there is no data, then you can specify the properties file as well:
% mmpdb index test_data.fragments -o test_data.mmpa --properties test_data.csv
Use "mmpdb help-property-format
" for property file format details.
For more help use "mmpdb index --help
Use "mmpdb loadprops
" to add or modify activity/property data in the
database. Here's an example property file named 'test_data.csv' with
molecular weight and melting point properties:
phenol 94.1 41
catechol 110.1 105
2-aminophenol 109.1 174
2-chlorophenol 128.6 8
o-phenylenediamine 108.1 102
amidol 124.1 *
hydroxyquinol 126.1 140
phenylamine 93.1 -6
cyclopentanol 86.1 -19
The following loads the property data to the MMPDB database file created in the previous section:
% mmpdb loadprops -p test_data.csv test_data.mmpdb
Use "mmpdb help-property-format
" for property file format details.
For more help use "mmpdb loadprops --help
". Use "mmpdb list
" to see
what properties are already loaded.
Use "mmpdb transform
" to transform an input structure using the rules
in a database. For each transformation, it can estimate the effect on
any properties. The following looks at possible ways to transform
2-pyridone using the test dataset created in the previous section, and
predict the effect on the "MW" property (the output is reformatted for
% mmpdb transform --smiles 'c1cccnc1O' test_data.mmpdb --property MW
ID SMILES MW_from_smiles MW_to_smiles MW_radius \
1 Clc1ccccn1 [*:1]O [*:1]Cl 1
2 Nc1ccccn1 [*:1]O [*:1]N 1
3 c1ccncc1 [*:1]O [*:1][H] 1
MW_fingerprint MW_rule_environment_id \
tLP3hvftAkp3EUY+MHSruGd0iZ/pu5nwnEwNA+NiAh8 298
tLP3hvftAkp3EUY+MHSruGd0iZ/pu5nwnEwNA+NiAh8 275
tLP3hvftAkp3EUY+MHSruGd0iZ/pu5nwnEwNA+NiAh8 267
MW_count MW_avg MW_std MW_kurtosis MW_skewness MW_min MW_q1 \
1 18.5 NaN NaN NaN 18.5 18.5
3 -1.0 0.0 NaN 0.0 -1.0 -1.0
4 -16.0 0.0 NaN 0.0 -16.0 -16.0
MW_median MW_q3 MW_max MW_paired_t MW_p_value
18.5 18.5 18.5 NaN NaN
-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 100000000.0 NaN
-16.0 -16.0 -16.0 100000000.0 NaN
This says that "c1cccnc1O" can be transformed to "Clc1ccccn1" using the transformation [*:1]O>>[*:1]Cl (that is, replace the oxygen with a chlorine). The best transformation match has a radius of 1, which includes the aromatic carbon at the attachment point but not the aromatic nitrogen which is one atom away.
There is only one pair for this transformation, and it predicts a shift in molecular weight of 18.5. This makes sense as the [OH] is replaced with a [Cl].
On the other hand, there are three pairs which transform it to pyridine. The standard deviation of course is 0 because it's a simple molecular weight calculation. The 100000000.0 is the mmpdb way of writing "positive infinity".
Melting point is more complicated. The following shows that in the transformation of 2-pyridone to pyridine there are still 3 matched pairs and in this case the average shift is -93C with a standard deviation of 76.727C:
% mmpdb transform --smiles 'c1cccnc1O' test_data.mmpdb --property MP
ID SMILES MP_from_smiles MP_to_smiles MP_radius \
1 Clc1ccccn1 [*:1]O [*:1]Cl 1
2 Nc1ccccn1 [*:1]O [*:1]N 1
3 c1ccncc1 [*:1]O [*:1][H] 1
MP_fingerprint MP_rule_environment_id \
tLP3hvftAkp3EUY+MHSruGd0iZ/pu5nwnEwNA+NiAh8 298
tLP3hvftAkp3EUY+MHSruGd0iZ/pu5nwnEwNA+NiAh8 275
tLP3hvftAkp3EUY+MHSruGd0iZ/pu5nwnEwNA+NiAh8 267
MP_count MP_avg MP_std MP_kurtosis MP_skewness MP_min MP_q1 \
1 -97.000 NaN NaN NaN -97 -97.00
3 -16.667 75.235 -1.5 -0.33764 -72 -65.75
3 -93.000 76.727 -1.5 0.32397 -180 -151.00
MP_median MP_q3 MP_max MP_paired_t MP_p_value
-97 -97.00 -97 NaN NaN
-47 40.00 69 0.3837 0.73815
-64 -42.25 -35 2.0994 0.17062
You might try enabling the "--explain
" option to see why the algorithm
selected a given tranformation.
For more help use "mmpdb transform --help
Use "mmpdb predict
" to predict the property change in a transformation
from a given reference structure to a given query structure. Use this
when you want to limit the transform results when you know the
starting and ending structures. The following predicts the effect on
molecular weight in transforming 2-pyridone to pyridone:
% mmpdb predict --smiles 'c1cccnc1' --reference 'c1cccnc1O' \
test_data.mmpdb --property MP
predicted delta: -93 +/- 76.7268
This is the same MP_value and MP_std from the previous section using
% mmpdb predict --smiles 'c1cccnc1' --reference 'c1cccnc1O' \
test_data.mmpdb --property MP --value -41.6
I'll redo the calculation with the molecular weight property, and have mmpdb do the trival calculation of adding the known weight to the predicted delta:
% mmpdb predict --smiles 'c1cccnc1' --reference 'c1cccnc1O' \
test_data.mmpdb --property MW --value 95.1
predicted delta: -16 predicted value: 79.1 +/- 0
You might try enabling the "--explain
" option to see why the algorithm
selected a given transformation, or use "--save-details
" to save the
list of possible rules to the file 'pred_detail_rules.txt' and to save
the list of rule pairs to "pred_detail_pairs.txt".
The project started as a fork of the matched molecular pair program 'mmpa' written by Jameed Hussain, then at GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Ltd.. Many thanks to them for contributing the code to the RDKit project under a free software license.
Since then it has gone through two rewrites. Major changes to the first version included:
performance improvements,
support for property prediction
environmental fingerprints
That version supported both MySQL and SQLite, and used the third-party "peewee.py" and "playhouse" code to help with for database portability. Many thanks to Charlies Leifer for that software.
The second version dropped MySQL support but added APSW support, which was already available in the peewee/playhouse modules. The major goals in version 2 were:
better support for chiral structures
canonical variable fragments, so the transforms are canonical on both the left-hand and right-hand sides. (Previously only the entire transform was canonical.)
The mmpdb package is copyright 2015-2017 by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd and distributed under the 3-clause BSD license. See LICENSE for details.
The software derives from software which is copyright 2012-2013 by GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Ltd., and distributed under the 3-clause BSD license. To the best of our knowledge, mmpdb does not contain any of the mmpa original source code. We thank the authors for releasing this package and include their license in the credits. See LICENSE for details.
The file fileio.py originates from chemfp and is therefore copyright by Andrew Dalke Scientific AB under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. Modifications to this file are covered under the mmpdb license.
The files peewee.py and playhouse/*.py are copyright 2010 by Charles Leifer and distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.