Rastreador Observatorio de Accesibilidad Web
This repository contains 3 applications:
- OAW: Java Web Application.
- Motor JS: An implementation of https://github.com/prerender/prerender to render web pages and return code.
- WCAG EM Tool: An fork of https://github.com/w3c/wcag-em-report-tool with capabiluty to exports as ODS format.
The application code is distributed in several maven projects:
- common: library with common functions
- crawler: web crawler
- intavcore: analyzer core code
- oaw: "father" project to generate all the libraries and dependencies
- portal: web project of the accessibility observatory
To compile the application, we will use maven (version 3.0.0 or higher). It will be necessary to download a number of dependencies from the central repositories so it needs to be properly frozen. It may be necessary to configure the proxy or a mirror:
- https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-proxies.html
- https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-mirror-settings.html
To do this, inside the oaw directory we will execute the following command so that it builds us the complete project:
mvn clean install -P desarrollo -DskipTests
If everything goes well, a war will be generated in the portal/target folder which will be the one we should display this war in the webapps folder of the tomcat server.
Currently OAW is deployment under this configuration:
- Java 1.8.0_202
- Apache Tomcat 7
- MySQL 5
This is a Maven projet that requieres version 3.0.0 or high
You can find full documentacion (in Spanish) at https://administracionelectronica.gob.es/ctt/oaw/descargas in Rastreador OAW WCAG 2.1 section. At this moment, the last documentation avalaible can be downloaded here
To fresh install execute the scripts locates in folder /portal/scripts from version 4.0.0 to higher version.
Create a context configuration like this in server.xml:
<Context path="/oaw" reloadable="true">
<Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" type="javax.sql.DataSource" name="jdbc/oaw" url="jdbc:mysql://<server>:<port>/<schema>"
maxActive="100" maxIdle="10" maxWait="-1" validationQuery="SELECT 1 as dbcp_connection_test"
removeAbandoned="true" testOnBorrow="true"
timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis="60000" testWhileIdle="true"
defaultTransactionIsolation="READ_UNCOMMITTED" username="<username>" password="<password>"/>
Note to change url, port, user and password values. In folder profiles exists an example of this configuracion. Adapt to your environment.
There are several parameters that are configurable by environment, as well as configuration files that depend on the environment. In the current project there are two default compilation profiles: development and integration.
In the oaw project's pom.xml is reflected the configuration for each profile, being possible to create new ones or take advantage of the existing ones. There are also profiles in the portal project folder.
It is necessary to review and adapt the configuration of the profiles if necessary.
In the file /portal/profiles//propertiesmanager.properties a series of properties files and their location are indicated. You should configure the files paths according to the information of this file.
- context.xml: Database connection parameters
- mail.properties: Mailing parameters
- basic.service.properties: Parameters of the mail sent by the diagnostic service
- check.descriptions.properties: Explanatory texts for problem solving included in the reports
- check.patterns.properties: Regural expressions and validation patterns
Some of the links are not available in Maven's central repository. They can be downloaded at the following links:1
- javax.jms:jms:jar:1.1: http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/j/Downloadjavaxjms11jar.htm
- javax.transaction:jta:jar:1.0.1B: http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/j/Downloadjta101bjar.htm
They need to be installed manually: https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-3rd-party-jars-local.html
Into folder motor-js contains this tool has 3 packages:
- proxy: entrypoint of tool. Listen for petitions http/s.
- nginx: recivies proxy petitions and handle http and https to renderer.
- renderer: executes https://github.com/prerender/prerender ths listen to http/s requests, renderer the page and return result html
This project is configuring to execute as docker solution
From version 5.6.0 new versions of templates are available that must be incorporated into the application.
These templates can be found in the following path -> /portal/scripts/5.6.0
- hallazgos.odt -> Must be saved as "hallazgos" in the system
- generica_accesible_v1.odt
- segmentos_accesible_v1.odt
- complejidades_accesible_v1.odt
- evolucion_segmentos_accesible_v1.odt