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#panJS v1.0.2

A 40 ko javascript framework

Change log.

API documentation

panJs is a javascript framework that uses Jquery and allows you to create easily applications, making resusable components.
You can integrate panJS in a existing application (only parts of the application can be managed by panJs).

Basic demo

TodoMVC example

TodoMVC X2 example

Circles example



Licence Creative Commons

Panjs de Christophe Toesca est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International. Les autorisations au-delà du champ de cette licence peuvent être obtenues à cette adresse:

Feature Highlights

  • A component is a HTML file that contains CSS, JS, HTML like any Html file
  • Components can be integrated in a page or in other components with html markup
  • Components (and their dependencies) are dynamically loaded and you don't have to add js/css in the <head> of the page.
  • Cache management (Js/css/html): the framework adds '?v=x.x.x' in all loaded files, or can store components in localstorage (max speed).
  • Inheritance on classes and components (HTML / CSS / JS).
  • Static classes
  • Encapsulation
  • Lazy loading of components and classes
  • You can use LESS in components. panJs converts LESS to CSS.
  • Includes Ajax facilities (Class TrestClient.js)
  • Easy to make a one page application (but not mandatory)
  • States, hash routing
  • Errors management: in production, a component with a runtime error/syntax error/XML error will be replaced by a special error component showing the error: the application is not interrupted (showing a white page etc).
  • ...

###What panJs doesn't do:

  • panJs doesn't choose the architecture of your application (MVC, MVVC etc)
  • Data binding (but you can use some data binding frameworks if you want like KnockoutJS, Mustach ...)
  • panJs isn't a UI library (but there is already some UI components available)

What is a panJS component?

You put a component in HTML page (or in another HTML component) like this:

<div data-compo="app.myComponent.html"/>


``` <style type="text/css"> .TmyComponent .result { font-weight: bold; color: #428bca } </style>
<script subtype="text/x-class-definition">
defineClass("TmyComponent", "panjs.core.display.Telement", { 
   baseElement: "div",  
   constructor: function(args){,args);  
   onSubmit: function(){
      this.clickCount ++;
      /* this.result is a jquery object ! */
      this.result.html("You have clicked "+this.clickCount+" times");
Click here ```

##Getting started

    <script src="//"></script>
          //panjs settings:
          var panjs = {
            logLevel: "DEBUG",
            env: "dev", // dev or prod
            appName: "myapp"
            appVersion: "1.0.2", 
              "core": {path: "../core"},    //panjs "core" directory
              "ui":   {path: "../ui"},        //panjs "ui" directory (optionnal)
              "helpers":   {path: "../helpers"},
              "app":  {path: "components"}   //path on your app components (example)
    <script src="../core/"></script>
    <!-- If you want to enable LESS-->
    <!-- <script src="../core/"></script>-->

    <!-- Production (error management enabled) -->
    <!-- <script src="../core/"></script>-->
    <!-- <script src="../core/"></script>-->

      <!-- panjs component: path : './components/myComponent.html' -->
      <div data-compo="app.myComponent.html"/>
