Shogi API for ordinary Shogi and its variants.
Here are lists of shogi implemented or to be implemented:
Shogi Variants | Board Size | module |
Animal shogi | 3x4 | vshogi.animal_shogi |
Minishogi | 5x5 | vshogi.minishogi |
Judkins shogi | 6x6 | vshogi.judkins_shogi |
Shogi | 9x9 | vshogi.shogi |
You can install the package using pip
pip install git+
>>> from vshogi.minishogi import *
>>> game = Game()
>>> print(game)
White: -
5 4 3 2 1
A |-HI|-KA|-GI|-KI|-OU|
B | | | | |-FU|
C | | | | | |
D |+FU| | | | |
E |+OU|+KI|+GI|+KA|+HI|
Black: -
>>> game.apply(Move(SQ_4C, SQ_2E))
Game(sfen="rbsgk/4p/1B3/P4/KGS1R w - 2")
>>> game.apply(Move(SQ_1C, SQ_1B))
Game(sfen="rbsgk/5/1B2p/P4/KGS1R b - 3")
>>> game.apply(Move(SQ_2E, SQ_1E))
Game(sfen="rbsgk/5/1B2p/P4/KGSR1 w - 4")
>>> game.apply(Move(SQ_1D, SQ_1C))
Game(sfen="rbsgk/5/1B3/P3p/KGSR1 b - 5")
>>> game.apply(Move(SQ_2A, SQ_2E, promote=True))
Game(sfen="rbs+Rk/5/1B3/P3p/KGS2 w G 6")
>>> print(game)
White: -
5 4 3 2 1
A |-HI|-KA|-GI|+RY|-OU|
B | | | | | |
C | |+KA| | | |
D |+FU| | | |-FU|
E |+OU|+KI|+GI| | |
Black: KI
from vshogi.shogi import *
>>> game = Game()
>>> print(game)
White: -
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
A |-KY|-KE|-GI|-KI|-OU|-KI|-GI|-KE|-KY|
B | |-HI| | | | | |-KA| |
C |-FU|-FU|-FU|-FU|-FU|-FU|-FU|-FU|-FU|
D | | | | | | | | | |
E | | | | | | | | | |
F | | | | | | | | | |
G |+FU|+FU|+FU|+FU|+FU|+FU|+FU|+FU|+FU|
H | |+KA| | | | | |+HI| |
I |+KY|+KE|+GI|+KI|+OU|+KI|+GI|+KE|+KY|
Black: -
>>> game.apply(F7, G7).apply(D5, C5).apply(F5, G5).apply(D8, C8).apply(H5, H2)
Game(sfen="lnsgkgsnl/1r5b1/p1pp1pppp/1p2p4/9/2P1P4/PP1P1PPPP/1B2R4/LNSGKGSNL w - 6")
>>> game.apply(E8, D8).apply(E5, F5).apply(E5, D5).apply(E5, H8).apply(B6, A7)
Game(sfen="ln1gkgsnl/1r1s3b1/p1pp1pppp/9/1p2B4/2P6/PP1P1PPPP/4R4/LNSGKGSNL b Pp 11")
>>> game.apply(C3, E5, promote=True)
Game(sfen="ln1gkgsnl/1r1s3b1/p1pp1p+Bpp/9/1p7/2P6/PP1P1PPPP/4R4/LNSGKGSNL w 2Pp 12")
>>> print(game)
White: FU
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
A |-KY|-KE| |-KI|-OU|-KI|-GI|-KE|-KY|
B | |-HI| |-GI| | | |-KA| |
C |-FU| |-FU|-FU| |-FU|+UM|-FU|-FU|
D | | | | | | | | | |
E | |-FU| | | | | | | |
F | | |+FU| | | | | | |
G |+FU|+FU| |+FU| |+FU|+FU|+FU|+FU|
H | | | | |+HI| | | | |
I |+KY|+KE|+GI|+KI|+OU|+KI|+GI|+KE|+KY|
Black: FUx2
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Please read the contribution guidelines before starting work on a pull request.