The program post-processes NetCDF files used at MET-Norway by using various downscaling and calibration methods. Post-processed forecasts are placed in a second Netcdf file, which has the desired output grid.
To convert between the two grids, a downscaling method is used. Currently implemented methods are:
- nearest neighbour
- elevation gradient (interpolation to new elevations using gradients)
- smart neighbours (nearest grid points at the same elevation)
- pressure (interpolation to new elevations using a standard atmosphere)
Calibrators include:
- spatial smoothing (average within a neighbourhood)
- quantile-quantile mapping
- linear regression
- Kriging of biases at points onto a grid (additive and multiplicative)
- ensemble calibration using zero-adjusted Gamma distribution (e.g. for precipitation)
- ensemble calibration using Box-Cox t-distribution (e.g. for windspeed)
- ensemble calibration using Gaussian distribution (e.g. for temperature)
- calculation of precipitation phase, using wetbulb temperature
- calculation of QNH from surface pressure
From source
- Ensure the following libraries are installed:
- Boost libraries
- Netcdf c++ library
- libgsl0
- libblas
- (Optional) Google test library (if developing new code)
- Download the source code from a release:
- Edit CXX, CFLAGS_O, IFLAGS, and LFLAGS in makefile
- Run 'make'
From debian packages
Follow instructions here:
To see program options, run:
To test the program on a fake dataset, run:
./gridpp testing/files/ testing/files/\
-v T -d gradient\
-v Precip -d smart numSmart=3 searchRadius=3
ncview testing/files/
To run using 8 threads:
./gridpp ...
Run the program in sequence for each variable:
./gridpp input output -v T ...
./gridpp input output -v Precip ...
./gridpp input output -v RH ...
Copyright (C) 2015 MET Norway. Gridded post-processor is licensed under GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version.