Ever just need a quick peek at git repo's branch, but don't want to stash changes or worry about losing current work? if so, Cleanroom may be for you.
Cleanroom creates a temporary copy of your repository, checks out the requested branch, and opens a shell. When you're done, exit the shell, the temporary copy is deleted, and you're returned to the original repository.
Cleanroom was written to simplify my Ansible workflow --- where knowing a playbook's state is critical, I was tired of having to stash and unstash my changes throughout the day when I needed to orchestrate from the master branch. With cleanroom
, this type of workflow is effortless:
# So many uncommitted changes
[email protected] ~/git/ansible: git status [37-create-guacamole-server] +80 ~9 -18
# On branch 37-create-guacamole-server
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: group_vars/all
# modified: hosts
# modified: roles/git/tasks/main.yml
# modified: roles/guacserver/handlers/main.yml
# modified: roles/guacserver/tasks/main.yml
# modified: roles/guacserver/vars/main.yml
# modified: roles/java/tasks/main.yml
# modified: roles/tomcatserver/tasks/main.yml
# modified: roles/tomcatserver/vars/main.yml
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# group_vars/centos/
# refresh_certs.yml
# roles/guacserver/cred
# roles/guacserver/templates/
# roles/guacserver/vars/vault.yml
# roles/tomcatserver/templates/server.xml.j2
# site.yml
# tmp-hosts
# vault/
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
# Open a cleanroom of the master branch
[email protected] ~/git/ansible: cleanroom master [37-create-guacamole-server] +80 ~9 -18
Creating cleanroom of 'ansible' (master) at '/tmp/tmp.uvAbwkyyQa/ansible-master'
# It does its thing
In ansible (master) cleanroom at /tmp/tmp.uvAbwkyyQa/ansible-master - exit to destroy
[chris@einstein ansible-master]$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
# Do deploy, etc
[chris@einstein ansible-master]$ exit
[email protected] ~/git/ansible: [37-create-guacamole-server] +80 ~9 -18
# Right back where we started